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FA: TJ Yeldon


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Well - I just saw this today - so, I'm uncertain how to handle this.  The bid was made monday night - meaning 48 hours later it should have stood.  However, it was edited 1 hour ago.  So, I'm not sure what changed.  What changed?  Can I get a few other teams corroborating what changed?  Otherwise, I have to take this as a new bid as of 8:00am this morning.

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He merely changed the formatting, that's all. 


It's been there since Monday, same bid. I've been wondering when it would be responded to in order to become official, as I'm new to this whole process. 


As I understand it, Yeldon should have become his on Wednesday night.

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This is a good warning for all - don’t edit your post unless necessary.  To someone who may not have seen the bid until today or later, it looks like the bid was made and the bid could have been altered.  I just need at least 2 more owners to corroborate the original bid.  Otherwise, he is still open to be bid upon until 8am Sunday morning.  

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How are we as owners supposed to plan around FA acquisitions if we don't know when our bids will be seen and recognized? Whoever is managing this aspect of the league needs to be on this board constant enough that this isn't an issue. I understand the confusion that's created with an edited post, but I bet he edited the format simply because nobody ever responded to his initial post in the time specified. It seems unfair to his team to have to wait until the morning of the game he might be playing this guy in in order to find out if he even acquired him. 

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Which part of it is silly?  All of it?  Just the part that I didn’t see the original post?  He could have originally bid 4 credits and reduced it to 2.  Or changed the player after the fact.  I don’t think that happened, but I just want there to be transparency for all.  And I’m asking for just a few, not all owners, to corroborate the edit. So far, only Allan and now you Alex have.


Other things to consider:


No contract has been posted.


No matter the response by the commissioner, the post was valid after 48 hours.  You don’t need me to validate the time once the time has passed. 


Additionally, you can say in this post that you want a new FA subbed in for certain players if time is a factor on the pickup.  I can edit your team mid Sunday/Monday if need be.  


Consider that some FA bids last longer when multiple bids on a single player are being made.  The mentality of waiver pickups and getting a player for next week is not the same in this league as other leagues.  Bidding on players can last a while.  Remember the minimum is 48 hours.

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It seems silly to restart the bidding process for this player simply because you didn't see the post. It seems to me like he did what he needed to in order to retain the FA, albeit perhaps in an improvable format, and should have received the player when 48 hours was up. That you did not see the post until well after the 48 hours expired shouldn't be held against him, regardless of the edit. Had the edit taken place before that window expired, I would understand, but I check it on Thursday and it was very much the same as it was on Monday yet nothing happened. I agree with your sentiment re: edits, but I'd also say there was 'transparency for all' in that he posted it and it remained unchanged well through the 48 hour period. 

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It wasn’t simply because I didn’t see the post.  So far 10 of the other owners in the league didn’t see what happened.  This is all because of the edit and for transparency.  I’m sorry that I missed it. This could have been avoided had I seen it without the edit. Forgive me, but I can’t log in to the forum daily to track everyone’s bids.  I need other owners to be on the forum as well and vouch for what happened. I am also hoping that this is a non issue as no one else bid before and no playing time will be missed. 


So, if this is a lingering problem and you can’t understand why I’m doing this, how do we solve this moving forward?  I know of no automated solution.


As to your second question, you can add years to your original bid (preferably not as an edit to the original post) or add it after the 48 hours have held.  

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I understand all the points you've made and the need to not edit a posted bid prior to it being recognized makes sense and is totally valid. I have a clearer understanding of how this system is supposed to work now. 


I still believe that in this instance, he should get Yeldon now. If the system is going to depend on having eyes on the forum, then it isn't his fault that didn't happen, and you and I and everyone else will have to do a better job of just being on here more regularly. Anyway, that's just my opinion and I'm perfectly capable of living with whatever the outcome ends up being, as well as adhering to the mentioned protocols. 

Edited by alexgee
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