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  1. This is a PPR Dynasty league 12 teams with standard scoring. Just wanted to hear everyone's opinion. Basically the team that received J. Graham is playing for now and the team that received Cameron is building for the futture. The trade was: Team A received: Jimmy Graham Team B received: Jordan Cameron, 1.10 Draft pick in the rookie draft, 2015 1st round pick in rookie draft Just wanted to hear everyone's opinion about this. I would assume that Team B would be recieving a pick later in the 1st round in 2015. Thank you.
  2. An owner in my 12 team league, Team 2 in signature, has both Julius Thomas and Cameron and is shopping them around. He is probably going to want more for Julius than Cameron, he is looking for RB2 or WR1 type value for one of them. His previous offers have been for my Demarco Murray. I've declined these as I feel that it puts me in a bad RB situation where I don't have much depth. I'm debating an offer of P. Thomas and Wallace for either of them, but I'm not certain he's going to go for it. I consider Thomas to be a weak RB2/Flex guy and Wallace is probably no more than a WR3 possibly low end WR2 with the way he's playing lately. See anyway I can make this trade happen without giving up Murray? The rest of his team is as follows: Newton T. Smith Wayne CJ2K Foster Cameron Bench Jacquizz Orange Julius B. Tate Thompkins M. Austin
  3. My team is currently 1-4 and continued to get worse once I lost Julio Jones. I had another team offer me a trade that I'm higly considering. This is a 10 man league with non-ppr standard scoring. I have had the worse luck in this league, two weeks I scored 130 points and then after the other guy was down by 50+ points with Brees and Sproles left, he came back and beat 132-130. I'll just say it's been a bad year for me in this league. My current team: QB - Brady/Cutler RB - Foster/C. Johnson/MJD/L. Bell/J. Bell WR - Bowe/Thompkins/Douglas (picked him up and dropped Julio)/V. Brown TE - Cameron/Gonzalez DEF- Bears/Chiefs As you can see I'm very weak at wr, espically after I lost J. Jones. I got offered Ryan/Green/Gronk for Brady/Bowe/Cameron This guy has a hard on for Cameron, and i feel like i need to take this trade to make up for J. Jones. I'm also tempted to counter just for Green/Gronk for Bowe/Cameron. I feel like with all the weapons in atl dropping like flies, ryan will be less productive then Brady for the rest of the season. Thoughts? Should I accept and run with this?
  4. At TE, do I start Cook against the 49ers tonight, or Cameron against Cincinnati? For team defense, Baltimore against the Bills, or St. Louis tonight against the 49ers? Thanks for any input, scoring is below: Non-ppr, 6 pts for receiving/rushing TDs, 1 pt for every 10 yards. Def: 1 pt for sacks, 2 for turn-overs, safeties, and blocked kicks, 6 for TDs, 10 pts for 0 points allowed, 7 for 1-6 allowed, 4 for 7-13, 1 for 14-20, 0 for 21-27, -1 for 28-34, -4 for 35+ allowed.
  5. Hey all. I'm in a 10 team ppr league and need help at WR2 and im willing to give up either Jordan Cameron or Gronk. My team is in my sig, and the team i am looking at trading with is below. Before I list the team, he has already offered Randall Cobb for Joique Bell and Jordan Cameron. Im thinking of just accepting that, but do you guys see anything else? He has: Starters: Stafford Morris Rice D. Thomas (Broncos WR) Cobb Brandon Meyers Boldin Bears DST Hartley Bench: Russell Wilson, Owen Daniels, Packers DST, Janikowski, L. Hankerson, Charles Clay. As I said, im thinking of just taking the first trade, as hopefully Reggie Bush can stay healthy and Joique will be just a good handcuff im losing, along with Cameron, but again Gronk will hopefully be back next week.
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