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Make this Deal?


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Basically I deal:


SJax, D. Williams, Gabriel, and D. Martin


C. Taylor, Roy W, Crumpler, and McGahee


I can start two TE's, and in my league that isn't bad because TE's get 1 pt per catch all others get .5 per catch. If I made the deal I'd start LJ, CT, Roy, A. Johnson, Crump, and Gates. I would also have McGahee/Thomas for RB depth. And Galloway and Chambers for WR depth. There are NO keeper implications here since my only keeper will be LJ. This guy wants SJax so he can keep him for next year. My team is in my sig.

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Basically I deal:


SJax, D. Williams, Gabriel, and D. Martin


C. Taylor, Roy W, Crumpler, and McGahee


I can start two TE's, and in my league that isn't bad because TE's get 1 pt per catch all others get .5 per catch. If I made the deal I'd start LJ, CT, Roy, A. Johnson, Crump, and Gates. I would also have McGahee/Thomas for RB depth. And Galloway and Chambers for WR depth. There are NO keeper implications here since my only keeper will be LJ. This guy wants SJax so he can keep him for next year. My team is in my sig.


Having Roy and Johnson would be big. Starting Crumpler and Gates could be big also. C Taylor scares me to death. I have him and like his schedule but as Avernus poted, losing Richardson's gonna suck. I think I'd chance it.

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Tough call here...it comes down to Taylor for me. He's been serviceable but not explosive for the past few weeks. Add in the fact that Taylor has never carried a full load, Johnson can't toss the ball downfield 20 yds to keep Ds honest, and he just lost his fullback. I don't get any Minesota games here but I've also heard the o-line has not been playing up to par.


Okay, so you replace SJax with Taylor. Downgrade at the #2RB position. Not terrible but add in the opinion that I think McGahee doesn't come back this year. 3 broken ribs for an RB sounds just about as bad as it gets to me.


On the positive side, you upgrade at WR and I like Roy the rest of the way. Martz has been great for him and his schedule is agreeable the rest of the way. You also get a nice TE in Crumpler.


Personally, I'd do the deal because I'm a gambling man. It'd just mean you have to hit the wire and maybe pick up some speculative RB depth.


Good luck.

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I also have this possible deal as well.


Pitt QB's, SJax, Galloway, and Gabriel


Zona QB's, K. Jones, Walker, and Boldin


Would then start LJ and KJ at RB. Walker, AJ, Chambers/Boldin at WR. And Gates at TE.


Like that one better?


Sure do. For one, the Zona QBs have a nice schedule. Walker and Boldin are solid, solid upgrades at the WR position. Who's on your WW at TE? Stevens? V. Davis?


I also like KJ here.

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