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Need Advice on Roster


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I've been lucky all year. My team is crap. I know that, but untill the last two weeks, it has been the Little Team that Could!! Now my glaring weaknesses are showing.


I'm thinking about moving things around little with some waiver wire moves. Mainly WR decisions as they are the only ones available (12 team re-draft league).


Should I pick any of these guys up and start them?


QB - Start 1


Bulger vs SF - Will they recover from losing Pace?

McNair vs Pitts - Not sure weekly if the 20+ pt guy shows up or last week's game manager


Waiver Wire

Harrington vs Miami - Can be inconsistent for sure, but great match up this week, especially for revenge

Young vs NYG - Getting more steady, but really needs legs to earn pts

Garcia vs Indy - Did throw a lot and should throw more this week.


WR - Start 3, but only need 2 as Wayne is my weekly starter


Glenn vs Philly - Romo doesn't look his way. Not sure last week is what can be expected.

R. Brwon vs Indy - Drops balls left and right and has Stallworth. Will Garcia improve his stats?

Furrey vs Miami - Solid as a #3 with 5 - 7 pts a game


Waiver Wire

Henderson vs Atl - Has value if Colston out and Atl stinks

Bradley - Might have value if Berrian is out.


My thoughts are this:


1 - Pick up Harrington and drop McNair. Start Harrington this week. Good Match Up. Motivated for revenge and not sure what Bulger will do and Can't afford another bad week at QB like last week.


2 - Pick up Henderson, drop L Jordan. Start Wayne, Henderson, Glenn.


Thanks. I know it is long, but needed to get my thoughts out.

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