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WR decision


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Tough decision with Coles at home vs Texans or Devery Henderson on road against Falcons. At first I liked Coles but reading now that Hall will be matched up with Horn Which gives Henderson a big edge. Any thoughts would be helpful



Hasselback, Bulger

Tomlinson, Westbrook. TJones

Wayne, Driver, Coles, Coleston, Henderson


Dolphin, Broncos


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I had to make a similar choice between Cotchery and Henderson. I choose Henderson. Brees is doing much better then Pennington, and each week that goes by, Pennington looks worse.


I would go with the Saints doing better than the Jets. Infact I think Houston beats the Jets this week. Colston will most likely not play so Henderson will get alot of looks. The Jets WR's are just too inconsistent and I expect them to run the ball more this weekend then pass.


Go with Henderson.

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