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Trade advice in Dynasty


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I offered Romo/Barber for Palmer/Gore. He countered with Barber for White.


I've never been a big Lendale fan, but he put up decent production last year as a #3 rb or flex. I think Lewis will be decent, and maybe about the same as White but much older.


I have Schaub as my other QB, and like Palmer's potential, if he can stay healthy. I'm really tired of the Cowboy's melting at the end of the year.


My other RBs are:






I also have the #3 overall rookie pick which will probably be an RB



Any thoughts on Lendale White (or any other part of this trade) that make we want to make this deal, or back away?

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I would stay very far away from that deal. You are not upgrading any position..rather weakening yourself. I understand your Romo frustration, but don't get all insane trying to rid yourself of it.

Agreed. Romo > Palmer; Barber > White.

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Sorry the counter offer was





Imho, Romo and Palmer are pretty much equals.


LenDale White is only 24 years-old, is still the goal line back, and he will be a free agent after this season. His value in a dynasty is greatly increased. Lewis is old and washed up.


Make the trade.

Edited by spider321
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In that case


Romo > Palmer and White > Lewis.


In that case it's a matter of you wanting to go with Palmer or Romo. Like spider said White will be a free agent soon so he will be playing for a big juicy contract. Ill probably pull the trigger on that one.

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