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Gallo Gridiron Golf outing


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So i got invited to play in the Gallo Gridiron golf outing in Sonoma. By FAR the best time I have ever had in a golf outing, mainly becasue we got to play with and hang out with NFL Hall of Fame players. This is a huge outing that raises money for charity. List of all the players that were there


Anthony Munoz (sat next to him at dinner and talked Cinncinnati football and NFL football for over an hour. Incredibly nice, gracious, and down to earth. Didnt just tell stories, but asked us about ourselves. REALLy nice guy. He is very unhappy with the bengals owners right now . . .

Fred Biletnikoff- Didnt get to play with him or talk much. he was very gracious when signing autographs.

Dick Anderson (sat next to him the first night at dinner and talked Dolphin football and the lockout. REALLY good golfer)

Harry Carson- ( also at the first dinner. Very solf spoken, articulate, and a real, real pleasure to talk to. I was a HUGE fan of his when he played with teh Giants Also a big hitter off the tee. He will be traveling to Chicago with his wife on business in September, and I asked him to golf. he has my card . . . :fingerscrossed:)

Randall McDaniel- very down to earth and friendly. Truly a great guy, one you want to play a whole round of golf with.

Roger Craig- REALLY nice, we talked lockout on the course, and got to have breakfast with him, Harry carson, Edwin Bethea and Rayfield Wright.

Edwin Bethea- Fun guy on teh course, and one of the players that really seemed interested in telling war stories and making you feel like you friends for years. GREAT guy.

Rayfield Wright- Just like Bethea, a REALLY nice guy, and very funny. Chain smoked cigars and told dirty jokes. I have a picture with him where we were talking about cigars and he told me I was his "brother from another mother. :rofl:

Bobby Bell- Hilarious guy. he was the life of the party, cracking jokes about everyone, especially the other players.

Joe DeLamielleure- If I could pick a guy to go fishing with or play bar dice with in a bar for hours, This is the guy. Completely unpretentious, really nice and self-depreciating. Helluva nice guy.

jack Ham- A guy that truly didnt give a frack what anyone thought. He came to the dressy dinner in jeans and a bowling shirt. :rofl: He looks like Hubert Keller now, and was nice as hell. I was BLOWN away by how many linebackers there were. As an ex-linebacker, it was amazing hearing them share war stories.

Mike Haynes- He just made the outing, as he attended Mrs. Kraft's funeral in new England. He was very complimentary of the Krafts and told us stories about how giving they are.

Ken Houston- Didnt really get to talk to him much. He kept to himself, and I didnt get to play with him. (you get to play with a player for a hole and a half, so it switched a lot.)

Paul Krause- Seemed to be annoyed by everyone except the ladies that were there.

Steve largent- had the politician charm going, so always drew a crowd. he was a real talker, and was often "holding court" with others around. He also stated that he is happy to not be in Congress anymore.

Jan Stenerud- Great guy. Told some funny stories about Vikings and Packer fans, as a guy that played for both. Very nice guy.

Tom Mack- really kind of a dick. Acted like he was doing everyone a huge favor by being there.

Paul Warfield- A true gentleman and nice guy. Not a lot of contact with him though.

Roger Wehrli- Played golf for two holes with him, and dont remember a thing about him. A very forgettable guy that really didnt say much at all.

Dave Wilcox- Really nice guy and a talker. A guy that would engage everyone in discussion about things and really listen. A pretty good golfer too.

Jack Youngblood- This guy was awesome. very rough around the edges, and passionate as hell about the Gridiron greats. he told a story about how the players nowadays are pussies, and told us about the 1979 playoff game against the Cowboys. he broke his fibula at the end of the 1st half. he TAPED IT UP and played the whole second half :lol: why? Because wasnt going to let Roger fu(king Stauback knock him out of the playoffs. :bow: he is a guy I want on my side in a bar fight.

Brian Mitchell- Looks like a bowling ball with legs. he wasnt very outgoing.


What an amazing experience. One of the tee gifts was an autograph ball, and every player had sharpies with them at all times. I also got individula pictures with 7 or 8 players that I got to play golf with on the course. Having dinner with harry Carson and Dick Anderson the first night, and then sit next to Anthony Munoz and talk football was an experience I will never forget. Amazing dinners at MacMurray Ranch Vineyard and Frei Brothers Winery, and a top, top notch event. Next year is in San Deigo . . . and my host already said if I play as well as I did this year then I will get invited next year too. :tup: Most of the players were great to talk with, and debate the lockout with. You also got to find out which owners still take care of a remember the players from the past, and which ones dont give a frack.


And booo to Bier Meister's dog for not waking him up so we could have coffee this morning in san Francisco before my flight. :wacko::yay:

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Jack Youngblood. Man....so jealous. I used to have his Tops football card on my bicycle spokes. One of my favorite players of all time. Very jealous.


San Diego next year huh? Looks like we might have to have a Huddle gathering so we can heckle you off the tee. I'm always down for some 19th hole shenanigans. (hint...that wagon trail has some serious potholes).




BTW: This post is useless without POCS :wacko:

Edited by tazinib1
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Jack Youngblood. Man....so jealous. I used to have his Tops football card on my bicycle spokes. One of my favorite players of all time. Very jealous.


San Diego next year huh? Looks like we might have to have a Huddle gathering so we can heckle you off the tee. I'm always down for some 19th hole shenanigans. (hint...that wagon trail has some serious potholes).




BTW: This post is useless without POCS :tup:


I posted them on facebook . . .:wacko:


I will post come pocs here in the next few days

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