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Liberals with a sense of humor


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From a FB exchange I had:


Liberal: I'm a liberal- because I believe everyone should be entitled to food, clean water, and shelter.


Me: I'm a viking because I believe every man should be able to pillage and burn down villages while sailing around on cool ships and wearing awesome armor but as a viking I also believe everyone should have food, clean drinking water and shelter - it keeps me in business


Liberal: LMBO! A viking... really?


Me: Well, Pirates are so cliche' now and, as we all know Ninjas don't have ships and wear armor, coming out of the army my options were limited so Viking it was


Liberal: I like it!


Liberal: One question- Do vikings believe in unicorns and the trickle down effect?


Me: Absolutely on both - Unicorns are a vikings sworn enemy (sneaky little creatures) and we believe in the trickle down effect as it pertains to plundering and the distribution goods based on the those of us vikings that can afford Knarr or Karve ships



It just weird that a semi-political topic went the route of good spirited fun instead of what we are used to in here. Not really sure how I feel about this yet. I may deem this woman unworthy of my attention if she doesn't attack me soon.

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