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Mike Ruppert to all police officers


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You know what, someone trespasses and is asked to leave repeatedly and refuses, I wouldn't consider that a completely nonviolent act. It's a physical act of defiance that warrants physical action by those charged with enforcing the law. A cop walks over to you and tries to physically remove you and you resist, now you've committed a second crime. Bring on the water cannons and rubber bullets and tear gas.

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I am not really sure what point this article is trying to make, but the statement:


Among addresses for which information is available, single-family homes listed on those police intake forms have a median value of $305,000 — a far higher number than the $185,400 median value of owner-occupied housing units in the United States.


Is just stupid. The article is about arrest records in New York City. A quick search of the internet gives me the Median asking price for single-family homes on the market in NYC, which is $349,000. So basically the above statement is the equivalent of comparing 4 and 2 + 2.

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