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Arrest Judges


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Host Bob Schieffer asked Gingrich how he planned to enforce that. Would you call in the Capitol Police to apprehend a federal judge, he asked. “If you had to,” Gingrich said. “Or you’d instruct the Justice Department to send the U.S. Marshall in.”


Gingrich claims his tough stance is part of a key question going into the 2012 elections: “Do you want to move towards American exceptionalism, reassert the Constitution, reassert the nature of America, or do you, in fact, want to become a secular, European, sort of beaurocratic socialist society?”


Uhhh what? :wacko:

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Newt Gingrich on Sunday hammered at the nation’s judiciary system, saying that if a court’s decision was out of step with American popular opinion, it should be ignored.


Finally, the mob rule we've all been waiting for! Yeeeeaaaahh!


And up to now we've been thinking that Gingrich is one of the few sane ones in the election. He must have been standing too close to Michelle the Mad.

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I don't think that's something you necessarily want to say to get elected; I'm giving his honesty the benefit of the doubt on this one.


He's just playing to the lowest common demoninator. Next he'll be throwing loafs of bread to the crowd. And he'll say whatever it takes to get that sweet gig at the top.

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