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Tae Kwon Do


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All 4 of my kids a d my wife have been in Martial Arts for years. It is great for confidence and Discipline. If she like it then it will be great for her .

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To this point, how easy/ or hard is it to switch disciplines later in your development? Say she starts out in TKD for a few years, would it be easy to switch to something else or would it be best to keep with TKD because of the progress already made?


TKD and the stand up arts are so different from BJJ that I don't think it would help in the transition. They'd be accustomed to training and discipline...so that would help. But TKD, Kung Fu, and Karate guys come in completely lost just like the rest of us were. Judo players and wrestlers however seem to pick it up quicker.


There was a post on competitions. BJJ competitions are hugh now. From kids to adults to old 37 year olds like me. They have divisions for everyone.


Most good BJJ schools will not teach a young child just BJJ. They're just not advanced physically enough for it. They need to be well rounded. For young kids (5-8 or so) we really focus on take downs and gaining a dominate position and keeping that position. This is what I train my son. I don't want him arm barring someone at 5. If he needs to protect himself at that age he can take someone down and embarrass them. No reason to hit or hurt someone at that age.


Proud of you for getting your daughter involved...whatever that may be.

Edited by Double Agent
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