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A MN homer here, so take it with a grain of salt. I'm not ready to say that Ponder is the long-term solution for MN, but it's within the realm of possibility. I was also looking at his numbers last year from a fantasy perspective... In his 8 starts before getting hurt in the same game as AP he averaged 19.5 points in my league. That would rank him 11th for the season in PPG. He didn't have a ton of yards, but threw multiple TD's in 5 of the 8 games, with only 1 without a score.


For this year he seems more comfortable, and has quickly developed chemistry with Simpson (once he's back from his 3 game susp.) Rudolph is healthy and ready to be a factor, and the O-line is improved... not great, but better than last year. They could also be throwing from behind plenty again so that could be a factor in padding stats as well.

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Whether Wilson is available on the WW and you have roster room to carry him also might greatly influence my decision. I happen to feel that Flynn is a better QB right now than Ponder, has a better receiving crew, but does have Wilson lurking. Ponder is certainly safer, though I think Wilson's big chance is at least a year away.



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Thanks for the opinions guys. I wound up dropping Flynn for Wilson with the idea that nobody would pick him up off waivers with his job in jeopardy. I like Seattle's receiver corps, and if Wilson is good enough to beat out Flynn for his job after Flynn signed a big contract, he might be the real deal and have a great rookie year. If he doesn't play well tomorrow night, I can always pick Flynn back up off waivers.


The caveat to all that is that Christian Ponder is on my watch list, and I always take homers opinions on guys not in the limelight. I was able to pick out Bradshaw a few years ago because I'm a Giants homer myself. =) Thanks again!

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Something else to consider is each QBs defense. Seattle is going to be a run-first team and with their defense don't figure to be playing catch up much nor needing to alter their gameplan in the second half. Minnesota, on the other hand... Just remember, garbage time points do indeed count.


I agree with BB that Wilson is probably a year away. I know the Seahawks loved the guy when they drafted him, but no one expected him to do this well so early. I think they're starting him tomorrow night just so they can see how he handles a first team defense moreso than actually considering starting him ahead of Flynn for the season. But if Wilson lights it up tomorrow night, it's going to make things interesting.

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Pete Carroll has been very evasive regarding who is going to start at QB. After the second preseason game, I heard him praise Wislon's play in an interview but he also pointed out that there were a couple areas where Wilson still needed to improve. It didn't seem like a huge statement but the way he said it gave me the impression of "he's playing great but he's still a rookie". Then he announces that Wilson is starting tonight's game against the Seahawks and everyone automatically thinks that he's doing it because Wilson might have jumped Flynn on the depth chart.


While I think it only makes sense to see how Wilson plays against a first team defense, I noticed that Flynn is not expected to play at all tonight. I think Wilson started tonight because the plan was to not play Flynn at all, like some other teams are doing with their starters. Sit them week 3 to reduce injury risk, then play them a half or so in week 4 just to make sure they have their timing for the season's start. If it really is still a competition, then I'd think Flynn plays in this game to get the chance to show his own merit. That he's not playing tells me they already know what they have with him and that it's enough.


Wilson sure is adding fuel to the fire though, isn't he?


Other random Seahawk observances - Braylon Edwards makes the team. TO doesn't. The Seahawk Defense will be even better than advertised. The running game is safe with Turbin if Lynch gets hurt. If Lynch stays healthy, he and Turbin are going to batter opposing defenses for lots and lots of yards. Golden Tate can play. McCoy might be the best TE on the team. He's been nothing but impressive so far.

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You know, I thought it was an anomaly that Flynn didn't play tonight. I kept looking for his stats on NFL.com. I think you might be on to something there. Flynn signed a huge deal, and even though Wilson has come in guns blazing with a real case to be the starter, money talks, and I guess you have to imagine that Flynn will start the season at QB. Question is, for how long? With as well as Wilson's played this pre-season, it's going to be awfully hard to deny him.


Observances from Giants-Bears game: Either the Giants first team D is that good or the Bears O-Line is that bad. Forte averaged less than half a ypc in the first half. Cutler hit Marshall for a TD, but otherwise was completely shut down, which makes me think that the Cutler to Marshall reunion is overrated. Ramses Barden has finally learned to play the game and completely abused Charles Tillman tonight. Look for him to be a sleeper force inside the red zone for the Giants this year. Alshon Jeffery was targeted 3 times, and had two drops.

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Observances from Giants-Bears game: Either the Giants first team D is that good or the Bears O-Line is that bad.


I think it may be a combination of both of those. Thankfully for the Bears, not many are as good as the Giants on defense. They'll get their points. Two drops for the rookie receiver - ouch. Then again, he's not one of the rookie receivers I expect to make a splash this year, ala Green and Jones of last year.


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Wilson just kept impressing the hell out of the Seahawk coaches. They pretty much had no reason not to start him, even if Flynn's elbow wasn't sore(which we didn't really hear about until late Thursday). I think all of Seattle is excited. The guy is just electric.

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Wilson just kept impressing the hell out of the Seahawk coaches. They pretty much had no reason not to start him, even if Flynn's elbow wasn't sore(which we didn't really hear about until late Thursday). I think all of Seattle is excited. The guys is just electric.


I have him in both my leagues. In my 16 team auction, Roethlisberger will get the first crack, but I have no reason not to start him over Andy Dalton and Andrew Luck based on what I've seen so far.

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The only reason this is big news is because he's short. If he were 6'3" he'd have been a top 5 pick, probably top 3. He has a strong, accurate arm, is smart, can run, is a great leader and has all the intangibles. Didn't he set the single season NCAA division I completion percentage record last year? He's not some tools guy without polish or accuracy. He's the real deal and going to be fun as hell to watch. Even so, all he has to do is play caretaker and lead a couple 4th quarter comebacks, because the Seahawk defense is going to be winning the games for them this year. They look dominant. So he won't have as many opportunities with the Seahawks pounding Lynch/Turbin at their opponents while protecting a lead as Luck will have playing from behind. If I were you, I'd see if I could trade for Reggie Wayne cheaply. That's going to be a productive, under the radar combo.

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