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Potential Calvin Johnson trade

Red Storm

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Frustrated owner is considering trading Calvin. I am thinking of offering the following:


My: Maclin and Ball




His: Calvin Johnson


If Calvin is out this week, I am losing Maclin to bye anyways. With my bench I feel I could wait this injury out. The other owner has Hillman. This would give him the Denver rb starter and a solid wr.


Any thoughts?

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I don't think this is that crazy. Maclin is an easy top 10 receiver and at least he's playing like one unlike Calvin. You all think when Calvin comes back it's like Jesus will be reincarnated. He's injured he's going to be hurt and banged up when he comes back do except a 200yd 2td game from him

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Don't expect that game...


And montee ball is a nice throw in for the guy with hillman. He has more value for ball than anyone else in the league right now and that's why he's considering it. Good trade offer. I still think you won the trade but I don't see it out of the norm for him to accept it and be happy

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I'd probably do it. You do need some wins only sitting at 500 but as you mentioned maclin and ball won't be helping you this week anyway. Philly comes off the bye with a presumably tough matchup against Arizona. I'd do it


Help here?



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M.Ball is out for awhile; J.Maclin is on bye this week - not a dealbreaker but still... There is no way in hell he accepts this deal



If he accepts this im LOL


People still believe in Monte Ball :tdown:

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The owner of Calvin is sort of in a must win situation. He is thinking of countering with me switching Steve Smith for Maclin. Does this change anything?



Do itttttttt

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Another league I have Calvin and Maclin but had no QB. I traded Calvin straight up for Rivers. I still have Marshall and Colston, Wallace, Maclin and Royal as my othe receivers.



Your user name is strong to quite strong... dont like the trade tho

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Your user name is strong to quite strong... dont like the trade tho


I wasn't all that thrilled about my trade either but it has worked out nicely so far.

I'm a "what can you do for me now" type owner and Calvin wasn't getting it done.

I'm also not a "big name have to keep him" type person either. It may come back to

bite me in the arse but so far so good.

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