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Deal Lynch?

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I'm trying to make a push for the playoffs and this past week I acquired Gio, Maclin, and Olsen...my receivers look good ROS hopefully, and I have Hillman as a flex play....should I try to package lynch and maybe Jeffery and make a push for leveon or another top tier RB? It's a keeper too if that sways any opinions..

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Lynch wouldn't be a bad player to trade in a keeper league since his value will probably take a hit next year when he's (probably) not on Seattle, but Jeffery is still a good young player, and Marshall won't be there forever. So if you do package them, make sure you get a good young player worthy of keeping, preferably a young RB.

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Bell seems like the ideal keeper league acquisition and Lynch (Seattle as a whole moreso) is a little worrying right now. I think it's easily worth a shot for you to try and include Jeffery given your WR depth. Might end up having to throw Maclin in there though after a huge game (sell high). I think you'd be just fine with TY and Calvin + keeping Jeffery around if you had do to that

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Sent trade don't know if he's gonna bite..only other trade I can think of is to target Ellington and Julio....guy is a big Seahawks fan...the offensive line in Atlanta is horrendous but Julio is a stud, idk if he has a whole lot of upside this year if ole Matty ice can't get him the ball

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I like the Ellington and JJ trade, I think it's fair and I would be ok buying JJ at his lowest value because of ATL (not JJ or an injury), he can still turn it on any given week. Ellington has shown enough now that makes me believe he's legit and he's played through a tough foot injury putting up decent carrying and catches, the dudes dynamic plus you have to like AZ pushing for the playoffs.

Alshon is great and would be a very good keeper for many years but like JJ you're living and dying on Cutler getting him the ball, JJ is an incredible talent.. without carries or TDs lynch is almost unstartable (Wilson's running in TD's that also hurts).

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