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Should I package my rbs for a trade


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I feel like I have a lot of good rbs but not 1 great one.

This is my RBs and Reveivers

Lesean McCoy

Gio Bernard

Eddie lacy

Ronnie hillman


Emmanuel sanders

Jordy Nelson

Kelvin Benjamin.



Obviously I can't start everyone every week (2 rbs 2 wrs 1 flex .5 ppr) who should I try to target in a trade? I have been trying to send 2 or 3 of these for Matt forte but his owner isnt budging

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I would stand pat on your receivers but I am surprised that you can't find someone to deal those Rb's too. For example I have Murray in one of my leagues and if you offered me Gio and Lacy for him I would do that. You need to find a guy that has one stud RB and is weak at his 2nd RB spot

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I would still only try and trade Ronnie hillman maybe lacy if you have to and sanu or sanders could be a very good sell high. Still going to produce but that's going to be his best game.


Either way I would try and only give up 2 guys if you have to give up 2WR or 2RBs just make sure you're getting a stud in return at that position

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A lot of people in my league just are not big traders. And the ones that do like to trade more have nothing that would helpy situation really. It's annoying. Especially the guy with forte. His other rb was Anthony Dixon this week and he still won't do it. Killing me

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I have many of the same guys as you, I have McCoy, Gio Bernard, Emmanuel Sanders. I've been tryna deal Shady for the past couple weeks but nobody in my league is biting. If I were you, I'd be tryna deal McCoy the most out of your lineup. He has the biggest draw and really isn't producing at all. Your call though.

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