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Issue with a trade in my league...


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So heading into week 11 a 3-7 team and in last place sent AJ green to the second place team for Harvin and sproles. Return yards count the same as receiving yards in this league. I thought it was a bad trade but didn't say anything. I only know one other person in this league so I didn't want to cause any problems.


I took a look at his starters for the 3-7 team for the past 2 weeks and Harvin was on a bye week 11 and he benched Sproles week 12. I made a post to complain and the commish told me it was a fair deal and case closed. The commish & the team who got AJ seem to be only looking at the players in the trade and not their playoff situations. Another team in the league could see where I'm coming from.


I told him a last place team has no business trading for players on a bye and if he's not getting 2 definite starters back then there's no point in making a trade. If this was early in the season then I could see it being fair.


Am I wrong ? I don't think I am at all and would like to show them this thread as proof.

Edited by LouRod87
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I wouldn't have traded AJ for Harvin and Sproles but it is fair enough. AJ was out weeks 6-8 and had sub par stats in week 9 and 10 so heading into week 11, I can see the logic of trading AJ.

As far as only looking at the players in the trade, that is all that should be considered. Why does it matter what place the teams are in? Fair is fair.

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My issue is if you're 3-7 and in last, why are you taking back players on a bye ? Id think most people would rather take their chances with AJ than sproles week 11 and again In week 12 instead of Harvin. AJ is still a top 5 WR in the NFL. He really made a 1 for 1 deal. He had a slim shot of making the playoffs at 3-7 and now he has no chance.


IMO a trade early in the season is different from a trade late in the season. If you're 3-7 and you need points fast then you need guys that are going to play. 3-7 doesn't give you the luxury to be able to stash guys.


The whole logic of "fair is fair" really isn't fair. If he's 0-10 or 1-9 then would of it been fair ?

Edited by LouRod87
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