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4th/5th Round RB thoughts


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Hey Ya'll,

Ive found myself in a lot of mocks going RB/WR/WR since WR depth in the 2nd is just stupid and the 3rd is very RB light, especially if you miss out on Howard. With that being said, I'd like to snag an RB in the 4th or 5th but have no idea how to feel on really any of these guys since I've heard ups and downs with them all. Thoughts on who you'd roll with between these for an RB2?
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Where are you drafting and what size league?  I'm 4th in a 12 .5 PPR...I'm going Zeek or DJ, then Freeman/Howard or McKinnon, THEN receiver UNLESS somone like AJ falls to me in the second.  MIke Evans falls to me alot in Mocks but man I am not sold on him.


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1 minute ago, cloose said:

Where are you drafting and what size league?  I'm 4th in a 12 .5 PPR...I'm going Zeek or DJ, then Freeman/Howard or McKinnon, THEN receiver UNLESS somone like AJ falls to me in the second.  MIke Evans falls to me alot in Mocks but man I am not sold on him.


Draft order hasn't been set yet, but I've been feeling out multiple positions in mocks. It'll be a 10 team full PPR league, espn rankings. So in a 10 team league if you draft in the 4-8 range you're able to hit a stud RB in the first and most likely will have a shot at Julio, Thomas or AJ in the second which I think is just too much value to pass up. Then Howard is usually falling to early 3rd which is awesome, but if you miss on him then you pretty much have to go receiver with the talent still there (Theilen, TY, Fitz, Diggs, DT). So that kinda leaves you picking between those above for an RB2. Just not 100% sold on any of them so looking for thoughts

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3 minutes ago, Giants56 said:

Beware that RBs always go quicker in my real drafts than they do in any mocks.

Be ready to adjust. Of those listed I like Alex Collins the most. Drake, Henry, Miller are close to me.

Ajayi and Lynch behind them.

Thanks for the response! Any worries about Collins job security? I love Millers workload but efficiency has me a little down. And what are your thoughts on lynch? Everything I've heard is that his workload will be solid but for some reason its hard for me to get behind him

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9 minutes ago, Inziladun said:

Surprised there's no love for Henry. I'd probably pick Ajayi but Henry comes a close second out of that group.

Same here. By all accounts he was great last year when Demarco was out, but then you hear things like Dion Lewis taking touches/3rd downs away and that makes me a little nervous. Any thoughts on that?

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51 minutes ago, eanenson said:

Same here. By all accounts he was great last year when Demarco was out, but then you hear things like Dion Lewis taking touches/3rd downs away and that makes me a little nervous. Any thoughts on that?


Maybe more worried in PPR formats. But honestly Henry is miles ahead of Dion and younger to boot so not that concerned. But Henry should still be a solid enough RB2. Guess we'll see.

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