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Congress subpoenas baseball players


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Because players are idolized by youngsters, young folks have taken steroids and died.  This creates a public health problem. 



The parents testifying before the committee yesterday were parents of kids who used steroids, stopped using, then killed themselves. The parents blame the steroids.


I question their motives.

Edited by godtomsatan
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It is absolutely ridiculous our government is involved with the steroid issue in baseball.  Congress is not a policing body...they are a legislating body for the country.  A blatant waste of taxpayer money.  I'm surprised this isn't more of a nationally asked question.







They need to know what's what in order to figure out whether they NEED to legislate - that's the whole point of this type of hearing. I agree that the way the whole thing was done was just flat out stupid and a waste of money (asking a bunch of current and ex-players whether they think the current system works - who cares what these 5 guys think? Lunacy), but I see no fault in congress wanting to gather facts before making a decision as to whether they need to legislate.

Edited by Balzac
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Sammy Sosa didn't deny anything.  Instead, he had his attorney read the statement saying he never used steroids for him...if he can't say it himself when he's sitting right next to his attorney, then that tells me something.  This is the same guy who tried to claim he didn't realize he was using his corked batting practice bat a couple of years ago, so what kind of credibility does he have anyway?


Nothing new was learned by the hearing yesterday.  It still seems to me that Congress ought to have more important priorities than publicly embarrassing baseball, and ex-baseball, players. :D







I'm assuming the argument would be that Sammy isn't fluent enough to read the statement himself (though Skip Bayless has made interesting comments about this - that Sammy is a lot smarter and more fluent than he let on yesterday). If his lawyer was merely reading a statement that wasn't signed and submitted by Sammy, then that was a very clever ploy by the attorney. I assume that he read the statement just to absolve Sammy of any liability, but maybe the lack of fluency played a role as well.

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No Barry Bonds because they don't want to single him out? :D They just singled him out. What morans.







uh, no. they didn't have Bonds (or Giambi) becuase they are on trail for the BALCO case, and so they are not allowed to speak about things concerning the case. What good would it be to have Bonds there if he can't speak about Steriod use?

Edited by soloArtist
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He's not an American citizen, so why is he testifying?







yea, i don't get this either. first of all, how do you know he's not a citizen? and even if he's not, how does that effect his ability to testify? there is nothing in our laws that says you can't testify in front of congress if you are not a citizen.

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uh, no.  they didn't have Bonds (or Giambi) becuase they are on trail for the BALCO case, and so they are not allowed to speak about things concerning the case.  What good would it be to have Bonds there if he can't speak about Steriod use?






I didn't know about that, but their reason was because "We don't want to single him out."


They should have told me what you just said.

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