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Fantasy Baseball team Drafted

Guest Sores

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I always draft a couple teams early, before my league teams, just to see "whats what".


Got my first team tonite (autopick Yahoo, Roto, 12 team league)


C- Piazza

1st Base - Albert Pujols, M. Sweeney, J. Giambi

2nd Base - Mark Loretta

3rd Base - Chipper Jones

SS - Ed Renteria

OF - Francouer, Garret Anderson, C. Crisp, Shawn Green, J. Guillen


SP - J. Peavy, Big Unit, C. Zambrano, Rich Harden, Danny Haren, Oliver Perez, Orlando Hernandez


RP - Danny Baez and Billy Wagner


For a first run of a team, I like it. I will have to find another closer if I want to stay competitive in Saves, but even with Baez and Wagner, I may be able to stay competetive there.


Whatcha all think?

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Hey man like your team a lot and for a closer may I suggest Ryan Dempster great pitcher or deep down there should be Chris Ray who will take over for Jorge Julio sometime this season. :D


BTW who would you take in a salary league that I can sign a guy for up to 3 years 2 times before he becomes nonresignable. Pujols for 11 mil (age 26) or Crawford for 625k (age 24)

Edited by broncosn05
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SP - J. Peavy, Big Unit, C. Zambrano, Rich Harden, Danny Haren, Oliver Perez, Orlando Hernandez


RP - Danny Baez and Billy Wagner


For a first run of a team, I like it.  I will have to find another closer if I want to stay competitive in Saves, but even with Baez and Wagner, I may be able to stay competetive there. 


Whatcha all think?






That's awesome starting pitching for a 12-team league! :D


If Gagne is indeed healthy, Baez won't be getting many saves this year though, so you will definitely need to find another closer.


for a closer may I suggest...Chris Ray who will take over for Jorge Julio sometime this season.  :D






Julio actually got traded to the Mets, so Ray is already slated to be the Orioles closer this year. I doubt he's available, but if he is I would definitely grab him up quick.

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That's awesome starting pitching for a 12-team league!  :D


If Gagne is indeed healthy, Baez won't be getting many saves this year though, so you will definitely need to find another closer.

Julio actually got traded to the Mets, so Ray is already slated to be the Orioles closer this year. I doubt he's available, but if he is I would definitely grab him up quick.






Very cool with Guardado gone from my roster I'll have to pick up Ray probably second round of FA.

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I know it was an auto-draft my obsession, so I'm not criticizing you, but you need some power. Your OF will produce terribly power numbers, even for a 12 team league. You're also in dire need of SB as your best SB guy at this point is probably (gulp) Coco Crisp and Pujols, neither of which will eclipse the 20 steal mark. Renteria used to be good for a bunch, but that was with LaRussa on STL. Boston doesn't send him, why get caught stealing when Papi or Manny will knock him in a lot of the time.


Your SP are great and you need them to perform to be a factor in the league. Closers will pop up all over the place, so no worries on that. I would focus on getting a guy who steals bases, and I know I said it before, you need power numbers.

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Renteria got traded to the Braves.






That is correct, I forgot my copy of The Hot Stove Report. With that info, he will prob. get more SB's. However, the bottom line is that my obsession needs SB's, no matter where Renteria is playing. No?

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You think Piazza will last catching all year?






He might last all year but that doesn't mean he'll be very effective. Offensively he is way past his prime, I've watched a good portion of his AB's over the last 7 years and there is a very noticable difference in everything he does.


At this point in his career I think that having him as your backstop will be detrimental to any club. His numbers have declined every year for the past 5 years. Not just his HR, but his OB%, OPS, SLG%. Behind the plate he's a nightmare. He can't throw a runner out to save his life. He's way below average defensively. Combine that with his declining offensive production, one more year on his knees, I don't see very much there. However, a change of scenery sometimes has a big effect. But he's hitting in Petco, DOH!!!


This is to take nothing away from what he's done over his career. He's a HOF player and is a complete class act. He was "the guy" on the Mets for a long time.

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He might last all year but that doesn't mean he'll be very effective. Offensively he is way past his prime, I've watched a good portion of his AB's over the last 7 years and there is a very noticable difference in everything he does.


At this point in his career I think that having him as your backstop will be detrimental to any club. His numbers have declined every year for the past 5 years. Not just his HR, but his OB%, OPS, SLG%. Behind the plate he's a nightmare. He can't throw a runner out to save his life. He's way below average defensively. Combine that with his declining offensive production, one more year on his knees, I don't see very much there. However, a change of scenery sometimes has a big effect. But he's hitting in Petco, DOH!!!


This is to take nothing away from what he's done over his career. He's a HOF player and is a complete class act. He was "the guy" on the Mets for a long time.








There are NO good catchers not named Mauer.

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C- Piazza

1st Base - Albert Pujols, M. Sweeney, P. Fielder

2nd Base - Rickie Weeks

3rd Base - Chipper Jones, R. Zimmerman

SS - Ed Renteria

OF - Francouer, Garret Anderson, C. Crisp, Shawn Green, J. Guillen


SP - J. Peavy, Big Unit, C. Zambrano, Rich Harden, Danny Haren,


RP - Danny Baez, Mike Gonzalez and Billy Wagner



Ok....after making a trade (Giambi and Loretta for Weeks and Fielder) and picking up a couple FA (Gonzalez and Zimmerman), here is the team I think I will take into the season. I still want to move Crisp and possibly Francouer....but I still like the team.

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I'll give you Martinez....but he is good...not great.  Varitek is bleh....If Pudge outperforms Piazza this year, I will be surprised.





I'll take that bet in a heartbeat.

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I'll take that bet in a heartbeat.







Tough call, both are on the downside but I do like Pudge to have a better fantasy year, more doubles then HR's then in the past. Maybe 285, 15 hrs, 85 Rbi's, and 80 runs.

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Tough call, both are on the downside but I do like Pudge to have a better fantasy year, more doubles then HR's then in the past.  Maybe 285, 15 hrs, 85 Rbi's, and 80 runs.






They're definitely both on their way down. If you look at Piazza's numbers over the last 5 years they get worse and worse. Pudge is in much better shape physically and that will certainly translate into better numbers. I think Pudge's numbers will be better than what you predict. His avg will be better than .285 I think.

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They're definitely both on their way down. If you look at Piazza's numbers over the last 5 years they get worse and worse. Pudge is in much better shape physically and that will certainly translate into better numbers. I think Pudge's numbers will be better than what you predict. His avg will be better than .285 I think.







As a Tiger fan I hope so.

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I'll give you Martinez....but he is good...not great.  Varitek is bleh....If Pudge outperforms Piazza this year, I will be surprised.








Do you think Mauer will outperform Martinez this year? :D





























Don't think so. :D

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Do you think Mauer will outperform Martinez this year? :D

Don't think so. :D






That's a good question. They both have what seems like umlimited ceilings as they're both in their early 20's. Mauer seems a little more injury prone but who knows? If Martinez played well all season his numbers would have been huge. He turned it on after the break I think and finished really strong. I would say Martinez will def. outperform Mauer.

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