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Russ Springer throws at Barry Bonds.


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Guest Cherni

I understand where you're coming from, unfortunately it's not Springer that should be getting the attention. It's the umpires responsibility to keep the game in hand. Springer should have been warned after throwing behind him and tossed out of the game when he came back inside. Unfortunately since Barry stands on top of the plate the umpire didn't feel as if he was trying to hit Bonds, as much as he was just trying to use the inside of the plate as it is way within his rights to do so.


Had Bonds been standing like a normal batter and not on top of the plate this unfortunate even never would have happened. It's Barry's choice to crowd the plate and he must deal with the ramifications of doing so.


I'd love to see a Gibson v Bonds at-bat. Barry would be feeling the chin music big time. Pitchers have lost their ability to use the inside of the plate due to armor and ejections. I think it's terrible that MLB changed the ruling so that you no longer require a warning to toss a pitcher. Just my .02. We can agree to disagree on this matter.



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I love reading the knowledge I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of? and BM are throwing out about baseball.


But... I disagree about Bonds doing as well in Babe's era.

- he wouldn't have a 33 ounce bat, or whatever size he is using now-Babe was swinging a freaking tree trunk

- his strike zone would be knees to letters, not the shoebox he has now.

- the parks were much bigger


I hate Barry because of what he has become, but I will not take anything away from him prior to the "bulking up". He was a great player, and I would argue better than Griffey Jr. when that whole debate was taking place. The other tough thing is steroids were not illegal in baseball when Bonds took them, not to mention Sammy and McGwire seem to have a free pass now that the focus in on Barry. I also believe Bud Selig turned a blind eye when everyone was "bulking up" because he loved the popularity the game was receiving.


On to Springer. I believe pitchers should be able to pitch using the entire plate. The K-zone is small enough as it is. I don't think it is right Springer threw that many times at him, I don't blame him for doing it. Players know who is/was juicing and if that is there way to take care of it, so be it, similar to kangaroo court if you will.

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