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Gates stepping down @ microsoft

Down Goes Frazia

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pretty big news last night here in seattle. :D After 30 years...Gates announced that over the next two years he's gonna "phase himself out of microsoft completely" to devote his full time to the Gates foundation. It's the wealthiest philanthropic no profit org. on the planet and does amazing things for humanity across the world.


"what comes with great wealth is great responsibility" - good words by him.


interesting to see his design successor....


Ray Ozzie


quite the credentials for sure. they said on the news last night that Gates has been trying to get him for 20 years. :D I guess he didn't want to take a back seat to anyone. :D

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Now why didn't I think to buy that 100 shares of Microsoft when I was using that floppy disk that said MS-DOS 1.0? :D




Fortunately, my wife did.


We tried to get a license plate saying 'TKS BILL' but it was taken.... LOL

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I know a lot of people like to attack Microsoft, but Bill is a classy guy. He understands what takes priority in life with his generous actions.


Yes indeed - Gates is proof positive that not all the rich are evil.


Only Perch and his ilk. :D

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