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Should I acquire McNair as a FA?

The Hurtings

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My current QBs are Vick and Grossman.

Vick plays at BAL

Grossman plays at NYJ


I could make a FA move and acquire Steve McNair (home against the riddled ATL DEF).

Should I acquire him as a FA and start him this week?


Scoring is as follows....


1 pt per rushing / receiving yard. 2 pts for every 5 yards passing (ie. 250 yd passing game = 100 points)

40 pts passing TD and 60 pts rushing / receiving TD.


To pick up McNair, I must drop one player. I will probably drop Antonio Bryant (SF WR).


My roster is as follows:


QB Vick, Grossman

RB Barber, Westbrook, Lundy, M Bell, Rhodes, Jacobs, Buckhalter

WR Wayne, A Johnson, Colston, A Bryant

K Gould

DEF Atlanta, Jacksonville


I appreciate your thoughts.


The Hurtings :D

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I like McNair this week. He seems to be finding his old groove and he has the WR's to do it. I think it's a good pick-up. I think Vick will struggle with Baltimore D and Grossman is a crap shoot :D



I like McNair this week too. I picked him up off the WW. I have Eli and Hasselbeck, but McNair's matchup is good and like Piranha-z said, he's finding his groove.

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I like McNair this week. He seems to be finding his old groove and he has the WR's to do it. I think it's a good pick-up. I think Vick will struggle with Baltimore D and Grossman is a crap shoot :D


Yeah. The safest play here is McNair. Clayton, Heap and Mason should have a decent day which means McNair should be good. Dropping Bryant should have happened in like week 4.

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