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Trade Advice - Palmer/Reggie Wayne

Gunga Galunga

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Fighting for a playoff spot and shopping deals to see if I can improve prior to the trade deadline this week as I'm fairly deep in a couple positions. Have Bulger and Palmer at QB. Really need DEF help, but nobody is biting as a good DEF scores well in our league. Have the opportunity to trade Palmer for Reggie Wayne. I give up Chambers and get Eli Manning or Kitna. Gives me Bulger starting with Wayne and Steve Smith. Bulger is struggling a little now so it was nice having Palmer on a roll and I can play Palmer when Bulger hits Chicago in a couple weeks. The quesiton is, is Wayne a big enough improvement on Driver to make up for less depth at QB and maybe having to rely on Eli, Kitna or W/W. If so, should the backup QB be Eli or Kitna. Leaning toward Eli. I would have started Palmer this week instead of Bulger and I need a win this week. Favre injury worries me a little w/ Driver with no backup in GB as well. Thanks everyone.






Standard Scoring. 10 man league. Can't give up extra kicker or DEF.


QB: Bulger, Palmer

RB: Westy, Gore, Ronnie Brown

WR: Steve Smith, Driver, Chambers

TE: Gates, Dallas Clark

K: Akers, Vandy

DE: Seattle, KC

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Thanks. Would you be comfortable going into the end of the season with Palmer only and look to trade Bulger? Palmer has Balt after Clev and ends the FFB playoffs w/ Denver. I like having both, but also hate keeping too much on my bench if I could upgrade elsewhere. Bulger has a cake schedule outside of Chicago but am scared with him as well.

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i wouldn't do it. peyton has too many weapons in indy and so you don't know what you will get from week to week from wayne. don't get me wrong he is a great receiver to have, but not for palmer.


i wouldn't roll with bulger as your starting qb b/c orlando pace is finished and look what that effect that has had on the team. also kitna is nothing special and who knows what you will get from eli week to week. stay put where you are - also favre looks like he is going to play so jennings should be a good start


good luck!

Edited by heydudes
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