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Much WR and QB Trouble


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Please help me. I have two questions. We start 2 QB and 4 WR in a very TD heavy league. Please help me out.


Brees @ Atl

Harrington @ Det

Hasselbeck vs GB


BJ vs Ari

Plummer @ KC

Favre @ Sea


Stallworth @ Ind

Clayton vs Pit

Driver @ Sea

Andre @ NYJ

Roy vs Mia

Henderson @ Atl

Edited by person411411
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I'd go with Brees and Hasselbeck for your QB's and Clayton, Andre, Roy and Henderson for the WR's. That's my .02 for whatever it's worth.


I just think Hass has bigger "potential" this week than the other options, and Brees is a no brainer.


Stallworth has to deal with Jeff Garcia ... jury is out there still. Driver has a QB who is hobbled, and the backup broke his foot. If Favre aggravates that injury early, the game could fall apart for GB.


My Post If You've Got The Time: http://forums.thehuddle.com/index.php?showtopic=186930

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I agree Brees is a no-brainer. I might start Hasselback ahead of Harrington. You gotta figure best case Harrington throws one TD. Hasselbeck COULD be inactive, but could also throw for 3 or 4.


At WR I like Roy today vs. the Dolphins -- with KJ out I expect Detroit to throw. I like Driver vs. Seattle -- even with Favre at less than 100%, the Packers should fall behind and have to throw. I like AJ vs. the Jets just because he's so consistent -- although he's doesn't score much.


I do NOT like Stallworth with Garcia at QB -- the Eagles will be all Westbrook all the time. Clayton's got a good matchup, but I expect a low scoring game. Henderson is the wild card -- great play if Colston's out, otherwise not. And it would be nice to package him and Brees.


SO.... I vote Brees-Hasselbeck-Driver-Roy Williams-Andre Johnson-and

Henderson (if Colston's out) or Clayton.

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