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Trade Assessment Please


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14 team PPR league - standard rosters


I have been offered: Larry Fitzgerald, Edge and Jamal Lewis




Westbrook and Calvin Johnson.


I need the depth at RB and I love Fitz. I've heard great things about Calvin and Westy is a stud if he stays healthy. Should I pull the trigger?


QB - Rothlisberger, V Young

RB - Westbrook, Cadilac Williams

WR - T. Owens, Hines Ward, Driver, Calvin Johnson

TE - Winslow




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I see it as Westbrook for Fitz


Edge/Lewis for Calvin


Lewis will underperform behind that horrible CLE o-line, so he is a wash. He is good for depth, but not at expense of Westbrook.


Though Fitz is an upgrade to some of your older WRs.


Tough one, but I personally would not pull the trigger.

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bad trade for you here...


Edge and Jamal are going to max out at around 1200 yds and 6 TD's each...


Westy can get you 1700-2000 total yds and 10+ total TD's...maybe more...


Fitz is a nice addition...but at what cost?...


I'd sit tight with that deal..

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