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Alexander or Westbrook


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I'm just not buying into the Alexander decline. Sure, he won't score 30 this year...but he is still a stud and you have to start him over Westy.

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SA... but not by too much.


They are both injury prone, but with McNabb back in action, this should take some pressure off of Westbrook and open some lanes for him.


How are they both "injury prone"? Alexander has had one injury of note in his entire career... and that was a freak occurence (broken foot) that has nothing to do with too many carries or his age, for that matter. Westy on the other hand, has had a bad knock for injuries, since historically he's missed 2-4 games a year... however, last year he missed all of 1 game because of injury, so he might be turning the corner toward being a safer pick.

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would i be safe to think that alexander is gonna get 1600+ yds and 15+ TDs on the ground and maybe 1-2 more through the air this yr. and that westbrook will get 2000+ total yds and like 12 or so total TDs. r those the kinds of #s u guys think they'll get. if not what do u guys think they'll get.

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I think 1400-1500 rushing, 100-200 receiving and 14-16 TDs is perfectly reasonable for SA... As for Westy, I'm thinking around 1600 total yards, somewhere around 7-10 TDs max. I'm thinking Tony Hunt eats into some of those TDs, especially once the Eagles get inside the 10 yard line.


To me, SA is a better deal in a re-draft non-PPR league, because for most his value will be around the same of Westbrook... their yards will be similar, but SA should get 5+ more TDs. In a keeper league, I'd take Westbrook just before SA, and in a PPR league I'd take Westbrook over SA.

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