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Denver mother sues city for son's death


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Ah local gubmints, those bastions of efficiency and intelligence:




It would be easy to say she should have done this or that differently but she DID try to resolve it and IMO the people who blew her off/screwed up should not just be fired but in jail. Far too often (ie usually) incompetent employees/so-called managers hide behind their company and typically get off scott free on something like this - the best one can usually hope for is the company or state etc just throws some money at this and goes "oops our bad." What a joke. PEOPLE should be held accountable for sh** like this and it made clear that such legal action will become far more comonplace ie personal accountability.

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Advair tends to be about $400 for a month of 2 per day breathing treatments.



Wow. Come to think, I've been given samples by my doctor so I don't think I've ever actually bought. This is a shame to be sure, and the city/whatever gov't seems to have some culpability. Man, that's sad.

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From what I can tell, there is no generic form of Advair...


I do have a question, though, is there not a less expensive medicine that the Dr. could have placed this kid on that would have helped his asthma? If the lady couldn't afford Advair don't you think she could have called up the doc and said "Hey, I can't afford Advair and there is a glitch in the state system. Is there something you can prescribe until I get this all worked out so that my son doesn't die?"


Yeah, the state government workers screwed up, the system may have had a glitch in it, but ultimately the mom is responsible for the welfare of her child. She should have talked with a doctor or been in the office of someone who worked for the state department that dispenses this service to make damn sure her kid didn't die from lack of appropriate medication.

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