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The uninvited Dog


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Is this the "Idiot Brother"? like in the new Paul Ruud movie?



He was a complete dunce. They have a pretty cool family. The mom and dad were down to earth, cursing, funny sports fanatics. The son was a horses ass. They all like the Giants. Dallas down 14-0 and the Sister reminds everyone that I am a Cowboys fan. They proceed to rip me every time Frisco scored . All above board and funny. Something about being ripped by a 75 year old woman that knew the ins and outs of football cracked me up. The son , on the other hand, was overboard. He was lterally screaming "break his neck" every time Romo scrambled and kept making it a point to tell me how much he despised the boys. Im used to it living in NJ. you either love or hate the Boys


Fast forward to the 3rd Q and we start talking divisions etc and keep in mind this guy fancied himself a football expert and I was under heavy fire from these Giants fans. Even when Dallas scored I would just say things like awfully quiet in here etc and I was having a lot of fun with the parents jawing. Then it happens. he throws out the nugget of all nuggets and I bitched him down so bad the rest of the night that he may as well been wearing an easter bonnet. he said "The Giants are still one of the best teams in the AFC" . Room froze. The only sound you can here was the sound of a piece of my zipper hitting the wall because I couldnt contain the wood I got realizing how bad I was gonna abuse him for that blunder. His Mom says "The Giants are in the NFC". He said "They are ? " Oh the NFC, thats right


The rest of the game whenever he tried to trash me I put up my hand and reminded him that he didnt know the conference of his favorite team. I did it so much that my wife was getting mad and he eventually shut the hell up

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I know. That's what makes it even funnier. :wacko:


Manning up is a term that I frequently use with my kids. I grew up in a very strict environment and got the occasional smack or whack. I'm strict with my kids as well, and have no problem with giving them a smack when warranted. I also have 2 big dogs, so I have a little experience on both fronts. My kids are 6, 4 and 9 months, they are not and have never been scared of dogs because they've been around them their entire life, even despite my 6 year old getting bitten by one of my dogs last year. However, the notion that you are going to be stern with a 3 year old girl that has a fear of dogs is completely idiotic. You'll end up being up all night while she tremors with nightmares. But hey, you're a man so you'll make your wife deal with that, right? :tup:


Again, in that situation, I would make every effort to make the girl comfortable around the dog, but forcing it on her won't work. As a parent, you should then focus on exposing her to dogs, quiet, smaller, calmer dogs at first maybe. Get her around dogs as much as possible, expose her to them and eventually the fear will subside. Smacking it out of her or forcing it down her throat won't work, and will do more damage than anything else.



Well, I've raised three very well-adjusted kids now past that age so I think I've got a pretty good handle on things. The number one rule at my house is no whining. Always has been - even at three yrs old. 'Preciate your two cents though. I'm just a hard ass I guess, but I'm perfectly ok with it and I can honestly say that parents not like me, I think are not raising their kids properly - but I'm guessing we all think that of our own style.

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