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North Carolina Governor Calls for Suspending Congressional Elections


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the only thing more pointless and wanky than ignoring someone is constantly talking about how you are ignoring them.


look at me! I am ignoring you!




carry on...

Totally agree. Talking politics everyday on the Interweb is serious business. :tup: We should not condone anything pointless or wanky (did you mean wonky?)

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can you let me know how you might spell "gerrymander" so I can search for the evidence? TIA. :wacko:

Off topic, I'm actually a descendant of Elbridge Gerry, who was the Governor of Mass and, if I recall, the VP of the US at one point. Not sure who went black sheep along the way and why I wasn't born into fabulous wealth, but that's another story. At any rate, in 6th grade, I wrote a report on him and he was the original Gerrymanderer. They carved up Mass. in some effed up way and one of his detractors remarked that one of the districts looked like a salamander, but they called it a Gerrymander. Hence the term.


At any rate, just a little FYI.

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