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Are You Delayed?

The Holy Roller

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Teaching 7th graders is all about vocabulary. There are some words that just can't be used no matter the context. Thing, duty, Idaho,all find their way into the unseamly side of the 13 year old mind. But recently I have had to crack down on the use of retard, retarded. So after several admonitions one day I had one of the craftier boys come back and tell us that..."The word retard means to "delay or impede...".


In 7th grade hallway yesterday. "Hey, are you delayed?"


And this announcement from the office this morning. "Teachers, please do not mark the students riding Bus 15 tardy. Their bus has been delayed."

Followed by much smirking and giggling. Wait till they learn about the politician from Texas named Tom DeLay.


So. Do you know anyone who is slightly delayed?













Everything I know I learned from 7th graders.

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One of my favorite memories of 7th grade...an Italian girl, first day of school, she's wearing a sleeveless shirt, raises her hand and she's got a freaking beaver in her armpit. The whole class erupts. Next day, smooth as a baby's bottom. But she never lived it down.

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