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Homestretch Hounds


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Fellow Huddlers

Any many of you know, my wife and I run a dog rescue. We have started our annual fund drive and, with DMD's permission, I wanted to post information about it here to see if any of you are interested in helping.


Thank you for your consideration.





Homestretch Hounds is an all volunteer, non-profit, no-kill shelter and sanctuary located in Southwestern Ohio, founded with a mission to help homeless pets. These rescued dogs and puppies end up homeless through no fault of their own. They come from rural county facilities and pounds, as well as owner releases and strays. HH’s mission is to give these fantastic animals a second chance at life by bringing them to the rescue when their time is up at other facilities or when they have no other place to turn.


HH is consolidating their major fundraisers into one large drive during the Holidays. The rescue needs to raise $15,000. This amount will pay for dog food for the next year, allowing any additional funds raised to focus on vet care and facility upgrades.


Since beginning in 2004, Homestretch Hounds has saved the lives of nearly 650 dogs that would have otherwise been euthanized. They focus on senior dogs, dogs with health issues, lager dogs, and “hard to adopt” dogs you would typically find in rural situations like hounds, beagles, black labs, etc. In other words- dogs that no one else would take.


The last two years have been exceptional rough for the rescue. With the economic woes in our society, adopting dogs has not been a priority for many families. Adoptions for the rescue have been infrequent- only a handful for the entire year so far. There have also been a number previously adopted dogs returned due to family financial strains.


Homestretch Hounds is not subsidized and does what it does solely with financial support from donations and adoption fees, both of which have been considerably down for the year. They are truly appreciative of past donors and would like to extend their gratitude for your donation.


With a new year just around the corner, time is of the essence. Won’t you please consider a donation to help with this cause? Homestretch Hounds has set up a fundraising count-down where you can make a donation via pay pal (see link below).. All donations are tax deductable as allowed by the IRS. No amount is too small- every little bit helps.


Donation Link: http://hhdogs.chipin.com/hh-annual-drive


More info on Homestretch Hounds:

website: www.HomestretchHounds.org

facebook: www.facebook.com/HomestretchHounds

youtube: www.youtube.com/user/HomestretchHounds

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I don't do paypal but I would be willing to send a check snailmail. Address?


Ditto, PM me. Money is tight, but the beloved mutt I have now was a borderline "unadoptable".... I saw her and thought, NO one is going to take her home, she's whacked. Took a while, but she has been a fine dog, and a great companion.... not the most well adjusted dog I've ever had, but I know I saver her life. Still somewhat nervous, but I love her.


PM me and I'll send what I can. I might also be interested in another adoption.... Badger is getting up there, and her health is declining, but that is to be expected, she's a happy and mostly healthy 14 year old.

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Ditto, PM me. Money is tight, but the beloved mutt I have now was a borderline "unadoptable".... I saw her and thought, NO one is going to take her home, she's whacked. Took a while, but she has been a fine dog, and a great companion.... not the most well adjusted dog I've ever had, but I know I saver her life. Still somewhat nervous, but I love her.


PM me and I'll send what I can. I might also be interested in another adoption.... Badger is getting up there, and her health is declining, but that is to be expected, she's a happy and mostly healthy 14 year old.


The three we have now are all rescued too. If I could I'd have a HUNDRED of them. I can barely stand seeing a dog on a chain or in a cage. They offer nothing but pure love and expect so little in return.

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The three we have now are all rescued too. If I could I'd have a HUNDRED of them. I can barely stand seeing a dog on a chain or in a cage. They offer nothing but pure love and expect so little in return.


They are the definition of innocense.... and will give EVERYthing they have. Thing is, I would take 100 too if posible, but then, they would only be kennel dogs. You can't give more that a couple/few dogs a real home.

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There is nothing more satisfying than when we pull a dog from a pound who is shaking scared, underweight and afraid of everything around him- then to see them, after a few days, start to come out of their shell once they realize that they are safe.


That first tail wag from such a dog means more to me than anything else!

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