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Hey, I have an idea... Strip all the other BS outta this bill and vote for each of these things on their own fu(king merit... That'd be to expedient and not politically prudent all at the same time, though... I guess. Bunch of a-holes. Please, please, please band together and vote yer incumbent out of office, please. It will mean I will have to vote for some leftist, but it is becoming apparent that the peeps in power are not looking out for our interests.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said he wants to vote first on the payroll tax cut bill, which the House passed on Tuseday, to prove that Republicans have to compromise more on the issue. The measure would extend the payroll tax cut for 160 million workers for another year. It would also extend long-term unemployment benefits but with reforms that Democrats have protested, such as eventually shortening the number of weeks for which people can receive the benefits. Democrats also oppose a number of other parts of the bill, including a provision that would force a quick decision on a controversial oil pipeline.


The measure will surely fail in the Senate, and even if it passed, President Obama promised to veto it. Democrats have proposed their own version of the bill to extend the payroll tax cut, but Republicans oppose its plan to pay for it with higher taxes on people making more than $1 million a year.

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Hey, I have an idea... Strip all the other BS outta this bill and vote for each of these things on their own fu(king merit... That'd be to expedient and not politically prudent all at the same time, though... I guess. Bunch of a-holes. Please, please, please band together and vote yer incumbent out of office, please. It will mean I will have to vote for some leftist, but it is becoming apparent that the peeps in power are not looking out for our interests.




Why on earth would you want to attach a pipeline rider to this . . .:wacko: Freakin idiots . . . just do each on their own flippin merit.

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Why on earth would you want to attach a pipeline rider to this . . .:wacko: Freakin idiots . . . just do each on their own flippin merit.



They attached it as a posion pill on the whole bill. By attaching it, they knew it wouldn't pass. You see similar things happen as well to get something unpopular passed by attaching it to something that is highly likely to pass.

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It's interesting that this is one tax cut the GOP doesn't want to see passed, the first in living memory. Why not? Because it addresses the root of the problems we currently have, which are to do with the lack of demand, and the last thing the GOP wants is any action that might help the economy. It also applies solely to those earning less than ~$106,000 - not a penny of it will go to anyone earning more than that and most of it will be spent one way or another. Since every GOP tax plan makes a massive shift of the tax burden from rich to less rich, the GOP aren't exactly overjoyed to see their targets pay less tax under the Democrats.


One of Obama's provisions in his version of the bill is to cut the employers portion of payroll tax by half, which would completely destroy the GOP argument that he was trying to raise taxes on "job creators", the GOP mantra. On the contrary, such a payroll tax cut would directly assist job creators and only job creators by lowering their taxes. I believe there's a provision to also require no payroll taxes from an employer for new hires.


This is extremely weak ground for the GOP but the Democrats, as usual, haven't found anyone able to properly articulate their argument.

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