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Data usage with smart phones


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We're ditching our failed experiment with Boost Mobile and are going back to swaddling ourselves in the warm blanket that is the Iphone. Polling locals in these parts, it seems like Verizon is the way to go and my wife's company gets a discount with them.


Of course, Verizon has graduated fees for Data usage and I'm trying to determine what a fair amount is.


Based on our AT&T bills going from September 2010 to September 2011, we were each safely under the 300MB and 2GB thresholds respectively. Her highest total during that year was 130 MB (but was usually around 70) and mine was 497MB (but was usually around 150). With that in mind, I'd feel comfortable choosing those packages.


That is, unless there's some reason to believe that phones are eating up significantly more data these days doing the same things they've always done. Is there any reason to believe this?

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Read a recent article that indicated the IPhone with Siri active is gobbling up 2x the data compared to non-Siri phones, FYI. I think the wireless companies have calmed down on the data paranoia of 2011. Seems like 1% of users use 90% of the wireless bandwidth. So, they aren't overly concerned about the average user IMO.


Also, don't know if it is still going on, but verizon recently had a deal where you get 4GB for the price of 2GB. Personally, I don't see any evidence of Verizon jacking up my data usage for extra $$$. But I'm also good about switching to wifi if I am moving big chunks of data (like a video to the family blog).

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Read a recent article that indicated the IPhone with Siri active is gobbling up 2x the data compared to non-Siri phones, FYI. I think the wireless companies have calmed down on the data paranoia of 2011. Seems like 1% of users use 90% of the wireless bandwidth. So, they aren't overly concerned about the average user IMO.


Also, don't know if it is still going on, but verizon recently had a deal where you get 4GB for the price of 2GB. Personally, I don't see any evidence of Verizon jacking up my data usage for extra $$$. But I'm also good about switching to wifi if I am moving big chunks of data (like a video to the family blog).



Having said that, the carriers are definitely worried about data burying their networks in the future as more people use their phones more and, in particular, applications bloat. They will fix it by hammering the biggest users (who are mindless buffoons anyway).

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Read a recent article that indicated the IPhone with Siri active is gobbling up 2x the data compared to non-Siri phones, FYI. I think the wireless companies have calmed down on the data paranoia of 2011. Seems like 1% of users use 90% of the wireless bandwidth. So, they aren't overly concerned about the average user IMO.


Also, don't know if it is still going on, but verizon recently had a deal where you get 4GB for the price of 2GB. Personally, I don't see any evidence of Verizon jacking up my data usage for extra $$$. But I'm also good about switching to wifi if I am moving big chunks of data (like a video to the family blog).

The 4GB for 2 GB deal only counts for Droids. The Siri deal is worth noting though I don't envision myself really using it that much. Why ask what the weather is going to be like if you can just see the weather by opening that app?

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