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The Mets, er, Mutts


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So, today the Mets traded their two top pitching prospects and Ty Wiggington for Benson and Zambrano. Zambrano is the wildest pitcher in the majors, Benson is a .500 pitcher, and Wiggington is the only guy in the lineup who hasnt slumped all year and leads the team in game winning hits. World Series, here we come! :D Maybe in another decade, but only if things break right..... B) :bawling: :thumbdown: :D ACK!

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I think those weren't bad moves for the Mets. We don't know anything about Kazmir. Will he be as good as Pulsipher? Wigginton had no place to play anyway, you want to keep a utility guy on the bench instead of a starter? Now, things change if Benson leaves next year, but if they sign him, they'll have a solid rotation next year, and they can try to buy whatever they need to fill in holes in the offense.

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Selly and bb, yea sure , but we kicked yer arse last night! :D Oh, no, we lost, didnt we? Well, kiss me butt! Who's in first place! :yay::DB) Oh, yea, that would be the Braves too, wouldnt it? :D Well, that's all history, WE have Benson! :appl: He's our starter tonight! We'll win tonight, fer sure! B) Um, OK, so we'll get our butts kicked again.... acouple more years of this, and I'll qualify to be a.... Cubs fan! :D

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See, with these new studs in our starting rotation, we are SURE.... to be swept by the Braves this weekend! Hey, Benson said he wanted to sign with the Mets, er ....Mutts BEFORE the trade. Now that we have him, we will never get him signed! So, we lost a prospect, and now he knows just how BAD Matsui is at short (he practically ran into the outfield today to get a Baltimore chop, instead of short hopping it) and well..... go ahead, kick me some more, Selly and bb. I can take it. :g-sick: :doah:

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