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Ball or CJ


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I just picked up C.J. Anderson in my high stakes league, I have Ball in my starting lineup right now with Arian Foster..


C.J. to me runs with power, dont get me wrong the guy looks much better than Hillman IMO.


I'm just not convinced Ball is ready to throw in the towel and give up what is his. He's gonna get a fair shot and enough carries to atleast prove if hes gonna be the starter again.. the Broncos are in 1st place and are clicking on most cylinders. I don't see much of a reason to keep the "hot hand" especially if they are clicking this way. It's a perfect opportunity to see after he lost the weight if he is motivated to prove that the job is his.



Talent wise anyone on the Broncos knows ball is the guy. It's just a matter of him executing thats all.




We will see but I'm probably just starting Ball here in week 11, just because I believe he will get his chance.. especially in the goal line. I just can't see the Broncos getting inside the 10 yard line and handing the ball to C.J. Anderson with Montee Ball back from injury.. I dont see how anyone can.

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The broncos in first and hitting on all cylinders is why the won't lean on ball right away..why mess up something good? Bottom line anderson and Hillman have played better than ball. Ball will get his shot but not enough to mess up the offense. You're crazy for starting ball over anderson this week and I don't think 1000 people telling you differently would change your mind

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