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Henry Muto

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4.1.6 Overbidding
Owners who place bids must have enough BB's available to cover all outstanding high bids. If an owner overbids their budget at any time, that bid will be removed from the board. The time stamp on the bid remains the previous bid for raising the bid purposes.  The overbidding owner can no longer bid for said player. (This exclusion will remain even if overbidding owner makes a trade for more BB's.) All other bids placed by the offending owner will remain in effect. Anyone overbidding their BB balance will be penalized 3 BB's or receive 3 BB less in BB's per infraction when BB's are given out under rule 3.1.  If multiple infractions are made all bids that were made while over their budget before the $3 BB penalty will be removed.  If they have current bids on the board that leave them without proper funds should a team not match a player then they will go into negative balance for legal bids before going over budget caused by the $3 BB penalty.

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