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For BeeR


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racist bastage :wacko: How can he not know by now that you just can't make fun of black people (if you're white). I look forward to the media and truckloads of others burning him at the stake.

How 'bout we simply expect our elected officials to treat the first lady with just a bit of respect?


ETA: You know BeeR, it really says volumes about you when you seem to be the most pissed off when others seem to "go overboard" about demanding people in power do more to stop child molestation or expecting elected officials to avoid taking part in racial jokes about the first lady of the US.

Edited by detlef
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How 'bout we simply expect our elected officials to treat the first lady with just a bit of respect?
How about we stop this tsunami of political correctness and hypersensitive BS and being America, Land of the Offended? It's not like he walked up and flipped her off. It was an (internal) email with a joke about her hair. The horror.


ETA: You know BeeR, it really says volumes about you when you seem to be the most pissed off when others seem to "go overboard" about demanding people in power do more to stop child molestation or expecting elected officials to avoid taking part in racial jokes about the first lady of the US.

Trolling BS aside (unlike some of the losers here, I thought you were above that BS; oh well) it says volumes about you when you keep bringing up the whole Penn St thing and throwing it into a thread which has nothing to do with it and twisting my words to boot. Not to mention more failure of reading comprehension on the actual topic. Try actually reading the whole link. He didn't make the horrific racial remark which you seem to fear will bring down civilization as we know it. It was someone else. If you want to call for someone's head over something so laughably trivial, at least get the person right.

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How about we stop this tsunami of political correctness and hypersensitive BS and being America, Land of the Offended? It's not like he walked up and flipped her off. It was an (internal) email with a joke about her hair. The horror.



Trolling BS aside (unlike some of the losers here, I thought you were above that BS; oh well) it says volumes about you when you keep bringing up the whole Penn St thing and throwing it into a thread which has nothing to do with it and twisting my words to boot. Not to mention more failure of reading comprehension on the actual topic. Try actually reading the whole link. He didn't make the horrific racial remark which you seem to fear will bring down civilization as we know it. It was someone else. If you want to call for someone's head over something so laughably trivial, at least get the person right.

Yeah, I read the article, and I know that dude simply forwarded an e-mail the the "yomama" bit on it. Great. Let's take him on his word that he didn't see it. He sure was pretty damned contrite, wasn't he? Just kept right to his story about having bad hair days (what dude talks about bad hair days, btw?) and then got in a jab about the POTUS going on vacation on the tax payer dollars. So, I'm not exactly getting that he really felt all that sorry.


But that aside. In short time, we've got this and another guy telling fellow church goers that she has a fat ass. I guess that's just fine to you but I don't actually recall a time ever when lawmakers were as blatantly disrespectful towards the first lady and find it rather unfortunate.


ETA: And kindly note that I specifically chose my words carefully to not say that dude started the joke or personally said the "Yomama" bit, but, rather "was involved in" an inappropriate joke directed towards the 1st lady.

Edited by detlef
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Wow. Sort of puts into question the judgment of the teachers?


Context, people, context... It is absolutely clear that this was an attempt at cross-curricular education gone awry. You know, they've introduced this cross-curricular stuff to try and better educate our children by giving them real life examples of how to apply the useless crap they are teaching them.


The next exam was cross curriculum for math, chemistry and WW II...

Edited by SEC=UGA
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If it takes four gallons of kerosene to light a cross, and the Klan rally has eight crosses, how many many gallons of kerosene must Johnny bring to the Klan rally?


If it have 8 tanks and 1 narc when are you able to log back into the huddle forums?

Edited by evil_gop_liars
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