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Apparently KungFuDumbass isn't aware that Contreras was the best pitcher in Cuba before defecting to the U.S.  :D







Fine, then add Matsui to the list of good players that remained good in New York, and weren't poisoned by Steinbrenner... what about all of them?


But feel free to ignore all the relevant facts on more time.


KungFuDumbass? At least you graduated from cursing, wait until high-school, you'll learn some really good insults there. Truly you have a dizzying intellect, maybe you can add more Wal-Mart guys to your discussions to try to distract the reader.


What ever happened to just ignoring me? It's really not that enjoyable to have a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent.


I'll try to enjoy the White Sox championship for you, so you can spend a full 100% of your effort worrying about the Cubs and Yankees.


I'm not sure if Mike Sherman is going to root for the Bears in the playoffs, you want to start a thread, or should I do it for you?

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Although I'm no Yankees fan, I'm over the complaining. Guess what? every owner is a billionaire and every owner can spend like George does, but chooses not to. I don't have a link, but the Yanks only profit 2-3 mill a year, even with their cable deals. Other teams do better because they're cheaper.







Agreed. If I had the money and the only thing holding me back was that joke called the "luxury tax", I'd try to out-spend my rivals as well. Mike Ilitch has done it with the Red Wings, so George is far from alone. People like Steinbrenner and Ilitch aren't the ones to blame for the lack of competitive balance in MLB and the NHL.


My point of contention with Seinbrenner is the way that he treats his subordinates. It's counter-productive at times. Remember the, "There will be changes!" comment that he made to his players after they lost Game 7 of the '01 WS? His "management" style forced Zimmer and Stottlemyre out. Their former GM (forgot his name) went public with the fact that George didn't even thank him when he left. Maddux and Griffey both refused trades to the Yankees partly because they didn't want to deal with George. And despite what KungFuDouchebag wants everyone to think, my criticism of Steinbrenner (and the NY media) was not "a shot" at the Yankees. I don't feel strongly one way or another towards the organization.

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KungFuDouchebag? I knew you'd get better insults in highschool. Wait til sophmore year.



OK, it wasn't a shot. It was an out of the blue comment about Steinbrenner and his style and all the players that were good, and then failed to be good after arriving (naming 2 or 3, while ignoring all the players that remained good). This, of course, was brought on by a discussion about a trade that the White Sox had made.


No, not a shot at all. Clearly a well thought out argument brought on by the prior discussion.

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Honestly, you don't have a brain either if you think they only make 2-3 million a year.



I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of?, you are a foo' Here's what a quick google searched turned up from 1998.


Now, they eclipsed 4 mil in attendence last year and reupped the TV contract that expired since the article was written, so they're pulling in more money now, right?




In your short time here, you've shown a unique ability to shoot your mouth off without thinking whether it's saying I have half a brain for claiming they only clear a few million a year (a figure that turns out to be high) where you clearly -and mistakenly- thought they were a money making machine and somehow claiming your opinions about our country's reaction to 911 are more valid because you lived in NY on that terrible day (go dig up the muslim praying in Giants stadium thread in the FF forum to watch you on your high horse) are proof positive you're a moran.


Seeing as how so few non-yankee fans ever go to bat for your team, one would expect you might welcome when one does. Not you.....


Where's the biitchslap graemlin when you need it?


Don't fall off your high horse in your reply Jacko, you're already entertaining enough! :D

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I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of?, you are a foo' Here's what a quick google searched turned up from 1998.


Now, they eclipsed 4 mil in attendence last year and reupped the TV contract that expired since the article was written, so they're pulling in more money now, right?




In your short time here, you've shown a unique ability to shoot your mouth off without thinking whether it's saying I have half a brain for claiming they only clear a few million a year  (a figure that turns out to be high) where you clearly -and mistakenly-  thought they were a money making machine and somehow claiming your opinions about our country's reaction to 911 are more valid because you lived in NY on that terrible day (go dig up the muslim praying in Giants stadium thread in the FF forum to watch you on your high horse) are proof positive you're a moran.


Seeing as how so few non-yankee fans ever go to bat for your team, one would expect you might welcome when one does. Not you.....


Where's the biitchslap graemlin when you need it?


Don't fall off your high horse in your reply Jacko, you're already entertaining enough! :D






The Yankess make more than 2-3 million per year. If they say they're not, they're lying. As far as your other comments, I'm glad you enjoy my company here.

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I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of?, you are a foo' Here's what a quick google searched turned up from 1998.


Now, they eclipsed 4 mil in attendence last year and reupped the TV contract that expired since the article was written, so they're pulling in more money now, right?




In your short time here, you've shown a unique ability to shoot your mouth off without thinking whether it's saying I have half a brain for claiming they only clear a few million a year  (a figure that turns out to be high) where you clearly -and mistakenly-  thought they were a money making machine and somehow claiming your opinions about our country's reaction to 911 are more valid because you lived in NY on that terrible day (go dig up the muslim praying in Giants stadium thread in the FF forum to watch you on your high horse) are proof positive you're a moran.


Seeing as how so few non-yankee fans ever go to bat for your team, one would expect you might welcome when one does. Not you.....


Where's the biitchslap graemlin when you need it?


Don't fall off your high horse in your reply Jacko, you're already entertaining enough! :D






I went back and checked the Giants stadium thread. I never said my opinions are more valid than anyone else's regarding 9/11. I did however say that unless you were in NY or DC and actually SAW things go down, then it's tough for you to truly understand the severity of the situation. If that's being on my high horse, I apologize. If attending a few dozen funerals after 9/11 was me being on my high horse, I apologize.


I'm not a Yankees fan, actually more of a Yankee hater so you're wrong on that one. I was trying to make a joke about the 2-3 million/year, obviously you have then sense of humor of a Pope. Sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet.

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The Yankess make more than 2-3 million per year. If they say they're not, they're lying. As far as your other comments, I'm glad you enjoy my company here.







Tranlsation: I'll believe what I want instead of admitting a mistake, even with multiple sources chronicling years of Yankees spending. I'd rather call people names instead of being open-minded about things.


You're happy you blend in with the other morans? Good for you, way to be satisfied with mediocrity.


And it's better is it's all caps: as in FLICK you. It almost looks real.


Now shoo.

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I went back and checked the Giants stadium thread. I never said my opinions are more valid than anyone else's regarding 9/11. I did however say that unless you were in NY or DC and actually SAW things go down, then it's tough for you to truly understand the severity of the situation. If that's being on my high horse, I apologize. If attending a few dozen funerals after 9/11 was me being on my high horse, I apologize.


I'm not a Yankees fan, actually more of a Yankee hater so you're wrong on that one. I was trying to make a joke about the 2-3 million/year, obviously you have then sense of humor of a Pope. Sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet.







Sarcasm is what gremlins are for, and I still don't really understand what you were trying to say in your first reply.


Even in LA, I understand the severity of the situation our country post911. I never said or hinted at saying I understand the nature of that day's experience without having been there and am not - THAT would be worth only 1/4 brain.


But I'll stand by the rest of what I have said and have a question/request for you: please provide a link that demonstrates the Yankees pull even a 5mil profit. I'd like to see that.

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But I'll stand by the rest of what I have said and have a question/request for you: please provide a link that demonstrates the Yankees pull even a 5mil profit. I'd like to see that.


Like I said, the Yankees can cry poverty all they want. Their execs can pull off some "creative accounting" and it looks as if they're losing money. I just can't believe that they do. It makes no sense to me. They sell more merchandise then any team in history, they draw a ton to the stadium, their network makes a ton of money, and then there's the international revenue. The Yankees are the worlds favorite team and they make money.

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But I'll stand by the rest of what I have said and have a question/request for you: please provide a link that demonstrates the Yankees pull even a 5mil profit. I'd like to see that.







The geographic location of its home, its fiscal arrangements with the City, and the extraordinary success of the team over the decades have contributed to making the Yankees the richest team in baseball. According to Financial World, the team was worth an estimated $241 million in 1997. But it may be worth more. Cablevision, which broadcasts many of the Yankee games and already owns the Rangers and the Knicks, is currently making a pitch to buy the Yankees for $650 million.


According to Mark Rosentraub, author of Major League Losers: The Real Costs of Sports and Who’s Paying for It, the Yankees raked in $28 million more than any other Major League Baseball (MLB) team in 1996, the last year team earnings data are available. With its unprecedented 12-year, $500 million cable and TV contract, the Yankees organization can afford one of the costliest team payrolls and still “settle” for one of MLB’s highest profit margins.


According to Rosentraub, even without any taxpayer money whatsoever, the Yankees organization could build a new stadium that costs as much as $500 million and still make profits between $7.4 million and $31.7 million a year. But with Giuliani’s proposal, a new West Side stadium would be even more of a no-risk proposition for the Yankees. Rosentraub says if the Yankees took up $300 million of the costs for a $1 billion stadium, as they have indicated they are willing to do, they could take out a $300 million loan at 8% interest over 30 years to cover their share. The Yanks would then end up coughing up $26.7 million a year to pay back the loan, less than half of the $60 million in expected additional profit from the new stadium.


Despite his team’s wealth, Steinbrenner wants a new stadium to increase gate receipts. Earlier this year Steinbrenner complained fans weren’t supporting the Bronx Stadium even with a winning team. Caught off guard by a question from radio morning host Don Imus on WFAN in July, Steinbrenner promised he wouldn’t move the Yankees if attendance hit three million. The Yankees just missed the three million mark this season.


This was written in 98, so it is pretty old but the numbers speak for themselves.

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Well, like you said the article is old and when compared to my first one which was written at the same time there is little resemblence to each other.


My more recent article says they're running in the red. Anything in the past year that says otherwise? I'm willing to buy the NYPost factor but would like to see something different, not that it's that importatn to me personally.


I think that given the fact that article was written before they won Series #2, and have since added ARod, Sheff, Matsui, Randy Johnson, Giambi and burned through Kevin Brown & Soriano in that time you can see how even a $50mill/ year profit evaporates quite easily. In fact, I would say if those numbers were accurate I can easily see them being in the red 7 years later having paid those players.


My main point in bringing all of this up was this: the Yankees aren't nearly the money making machine you would think, given that Steinbrenner spends to win. Other billionaire owners won't. Although I'm not savvy on corporate taxes, something tells me that he could use losses with the Yankees as a tax loss leader and save money even if he's not making a 'profit.'


Sorry if you're a Mets fan. :D

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They have taken on enormous salaries since my article, that's true. They also won a bunch of WS titles as well as making the playoffs every year. This turns into extra revenue. Their popularity worldwide, especially in Japan just makes me believe they're lying. They're the Evil Empire and they can't be trusted. I just find it hard to believe that's all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Of course I read Moneyball...but that's not the full basis of saying he's the best. He has worked within the budget constraints of ownership to keep putting a good product on the field with smart acquisitions and strong drafting/developing. Although it was tough having 2 of the Big 3 leave the return was pretty decent and with the young arms of Harden and Blanton that have come through the system as well as the bats of Swisher and Johnson things continue to look bright, or at least a heck of a lot better than the late 70's early 80's...now that was bad for A's baseball.

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Guest Cherni
Of course I read Moneyball...but that's not the full basis of saying he's the best.  He has worked within the budget constraints of ownership to keep putting a good product on the field with smart acquisitions and strong drafting/developing.  Although it was tough having 2 of the Big 3 leave the return was pretty decent and with the young arms of Harden and Blanton that have come through the system as well as the bats of Swisher and Johnson things continue to look bright, or at least a heck of a lot better than the late 70's early 80's...now that was bad for A's baseball.






That was a great read. The funny thing is re-reading the book and looking at who BB wanted from the Mets a few years ago. Names like Kazmir, Wright and Reyes are all over the place. This guy has a talent for recognizing talent. I agree, BB is def. one of the better GM's in baseball, if not the best.

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