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Really interesting article on Pat Tillman


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How pathetic and bizarre that worthless POSs like Owens get tons of attention posts while ones like this about a quality human being are ignored. Our society is truly insane.





How about you bash Moss, Henry, or any other sexyles players... TO has never once been in trouble with the law or anything like that. You guys try to vilify Owens when he doesnt do half of what you guys say he does...


As far as Tillman goes, instead of bashing other players, why not bash the Army Suits that decided to cover up and lie to the entire nation? I found it interesting that Tillman was being over agressive and went too far ahead of the rest of his group, which may have been the reason he was hit... Something about the story is really fishy...


Here is a question, if it is eventually found out that Tillman was over agressive, which caused the other Ranger to think he was Afgan, what do you think about him getting all of the medals and awards? I've had some friends that have been in Iraq, and i've had some that are not coming back... None of those guys got awards.

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How about you bash Moss, Henry, or any other sexyles players... TO has never once been in trouble with the law or anything like that. You guys try to vilify Owens when he doesnt do half of what you guys say he does...

You're right, he's a model citizen, my bad. :D I just used his name as an example. Feel free to use another NFL dirtbag instead if it trips your trigger (there are plenty to choose from).



As far as Tillman goes, instead of bashing other players, why not bash the Army Suits that decided to cover up and lie to the entire nation?
I thought they just held off reporting the whole story to make sure they got the facts straight vs a big "cover up" but if you know otherwise for a fact, bash away. But way to miss my point.



if it is eventually found out that Tillman was over agressive, which caused the other Ranger to think he was Afgan, what do you think about him getting all of the medals and awards?
I think he probably still earned them, even if he wasn't faultless in what he did.



I've had some friends that have been in Iraq, and i've had some that are not coming back... None of those guys got awards.
Very sorry to hear that. I know a person or 2 that way myself. Who knows maybe they will get medals in the end. However I don't see how that necessarily invalidates what Tillman does/doesn't get. Also I'm betting that nobody either of us knows/knew gave up a lucrative rich n famous multi-millionaire life to put their lives in jeopardy - and no I'm not saying that makes their sacrifice any less noble, but it does explain why Tillman gets more attention, and whether you like it or not, deservedly so. In fact I also bet that if most if not all of them DID have that opportunity, no freakin way would they give it all up to volunteer for the most dangerous duty available as Tillman did.
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