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Considering Roster Move - Selvin Young Time?


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12 man league. My roster currently looks like this


QB: Brady

RBs: LT/Benson/APeterson(MN)/CBrown/KJones/MTurner

WRs: TO/Burress/MaClayton/CalvJohnson/James Jones


K: Wilkins

DST: Pats


I am a little concerned that I did not back up Brady. I am also a little concerned that I did not grab the other APeterson to back up Ced Benson. At the same time, I am now enamored with the kid from Denver, Selvin Young but still love my pickup of James Jones and his upside for this year.


Would you:


1. Sit on this roster for a while

2. Cut some one (most likely Jones) and pick up McNair (best availalbe FA QB) to backup Brady

3. Cut someone (most likely Jones) and pick up Peterson to hedge my Benson position (or do I have enough depth at RB to cover this)

4. Cut James and pick up Selvin Young on a flier



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I like the McNair idea but Brady's bye isn't until week 10 so I think you could probably wait a bit there.


I am not sold that Selvin Young will have an impact this year. An undrafted rookie with a history of getting dinged up at the college level? I guess It all depends on injuries but personally I would rather corner the CHI run game with a guy who has been in the system, plays with a good D, and an erratic QB. I would drop KJ and go Peterson (CHI).

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I am a little nervous to drop KJ with the recent news that he may not be put on the PUP list. I would be more inclined to drop James Jones for Peterson rather than KJ. Also, I can keep KJ for three years including this year - which is another reason I would keep him and drop Jones for Peterson.


however, I do share your belief that locking the Benson handcuff is important.


Other thoughts are appreciated.

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come off the ledge


You have LT and Turner

You have one of these guys for your #2 Benson/APeterson(MN)/CBrown/KJones-


Q- If Benson goes down are you going to start AP-Chi over AP-Min or K-Jones (once he's back)?

A- No, you'll play AP- Min or KJ


Q- Back-up QB?

A- Wait a few weeks


Q- WRs?

A- This is where you are thin, not RB. Burress has struggled with his back but should be OK. Otherwise you have 2 rookies in CJ and JJ. They are who I would be worried about. As well as TO who hasn't played 16 games in like 7 years. You do have Ma Clayton :D but I would look to upgrade WR.


Maybe a WR & RB for a top WR. Then you open a roster slot for AP or a b/u QB

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