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Keeper Help

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I like Wayne a lot more than Jennings.


An argument could be made to keep both WRs, but I'd rather go with both RBs.


Huh? You like him a lot more? Like a whole lot more? Boy, you crazy.


Jennings should be kept. He's on the way up to the top of his career. His career arc is still ascending. Wayne has reached his summit and is on his way back down. So you can keep Wayne if you want, but in a keeper league, the difference (assuming you are correct and Wayne outscores Jennings) will be insignificant enough as to not matter, but you will have missed out on a keeping a Top 3 WR for the next 2-3 years.

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I would keep Jennings over Wayne in a keeper league. The Packers offence is young and looks like it will be good for quite a long time. As Peyton gets older we'll see some decline in his play, and Wayne may see a drop in his numbers. It's awfully close, but I would keep Jennings.


Disclosure: I am a Packers fan.

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