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Trade for Braylon or LColes?

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Here's my roster:


QB: Palmer, Ryan, Hass, Favre ...

RB: MJD, SJax, RBrown, Moreno ...

WR: AJohn, Welker, Berrian, Muhammad, Maclin, Burress ...

TE: Carlson ...

K: Kaeding ...

DEF: Philadelphia ...


10 team league, standard scoring - no ppr, standard starting positions (QB, 2RB, 3WR, TE, K, DEF) ...


I let it be known I was willing to move Matt Ryan, wanted to strengthen WR. Got offered:


1) LColes for MRyan


2) BraylonE & Larry Johnson for MRyan and MMuhammad


Hmmmm .....


Waiver wire recievers are BEngram, DHeyward-Bay, MAustin ... WWire RBs are Ray Rice, RMendenhall ...


LColes is ranked higher than Braylon in the cheat sheet ... but I've seen another (heresy) where it's reversed ... Hmmm ...



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Sorry, I can't get past having all three of MJD, SJAX, & AJohn. No way any of them should slip to the third round even in a 10 team league.


Your receivers are OK considering your strength elsewhere. AJohn and Welker are solid. Look to trade a QB after the season starts or give up some RB depth if Knowshon tears it up. You won't get much for your 4 QBs until they prove they are healthy...


Ryan is your only QB not coming off injury. You might want to hold him...


Unless they'd take Hass for one of those WRs, I'd pass. Coles and Braylon are question marks at this point. Look for some good receivers that have tough early matchups and try to target them after 2-4 weeks.

Edited by Company of Heroes
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Sorry, I can't get past having all three of MJD, SJAX, & AJohn. No way any of them should slip to the third round even in a 10 team league.

Thanks for the opinion on the WR trade offers ...


I got MJD at 1.4 (happy with that, thought he'd go higher) and I got AJohn at 2.7 (3rd WR taken). Then, I made package offers of Ryan Grant (who I got in the 5th round) and Chester Taylor -- and found that the guy who auto-drafted SJax still hated him for killing his team last year, so that deal went through. Bit more risk for me, but brings a bit more upside, too.


Coles, Edwards, or stand pat? Hmmm .... Other opinions?

Edited by Donutrun Jellies
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Is this a re-draft? If this is any sort of a keeper league, I would NOT let Ryan go considering your aging QB's.


That being said, I'd certainly take a chance on Edwards. He can't possibly have as bad a year as he had last. Could he?

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Is this a re-draft? If this is any sort of a keeper league, I would NOT let Ryan go considering your aging QB's.


That being said, I'd certainly take a chance on Edwards. He can't possibly have as bad a year as he had last. Could he?

Great question. Not a redraft. One and done.


One stay put, one go Edwards. Other thoughts?

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Great question. Not a redraft. One and done.


One stay put, one go Edwards. Other thoughts?

Lost me there.


Regardless, I would not do any of the deals and keep Ryan until the season starts and see how things are going.


BTW - Nice draft, like your team a lot!

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If it was PPR I'd lean toward the Coles deal as I think he'll play the possession reciever role in Cincy, but given the scoring is non PPR I'd say make a move, and do the Ryan/Moose for Edwards/Larry Johnson.


Your team is strong enough you can afford the risk reward proposition. Edwards should bounce back solidly and if LJ happens to hit his stride again you have great trade bait to pick up a younger QB mid year.


Best of Luck!


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I dont think you trade Matt Ryan. He is your best QB imho. Palmer you never know what will happen. Does Chad really come back and gel again and keep in mind no more Housh so even more attention on Ocho Cinco.


I really like Braylon Edwards but part of that could be because I had him two years ago and was not able to draft him last year. I think he is too talented to take a crap this year.


With all of that said I would try to trade any of your other 3_QB's for Braylon. I see Ryan being even better this year with White and Gonzo and throw in Michael Turner and you have an offense where you cannot focus on just run or pass.


If you have to do the Ryan for LJ/Braylon I dont do it because I dont trust Palmer or Hasselhoff.

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Your team is strong enough you can afford the risk reward proposition. Edwards should bounce back solidly and if LJ happens to hit his stride again you have great trade bait to pick up a younger QB mid year.


good advice here.

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Your team is strong enough you can afford the risk reward proposition. Edwards should bounce back solidly and if LJ happens to hit his stride again you have great trade bait to pick up a younger QB mid year.

Sorry Wash and Tono, this is stupid advice. Do you really think you will get a better young QB mid season than Matt Ryan and why trade someone just to hope to trade that player later. Just stupid. Do whatever makes you happy and as the saying goes I wish you were in my league.

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Sorry Wash and Tono, this is stupid advice. Do you really think you will get a better young QB mid season than Matt Ryan and why trade someone just to hope to trade that player later. Just stupid. Do whatever makes you happy and as the saying goes I wish you were in my league.


i was reacting to the comment of a strong team getting stronger. why not ride with palmer and hass and take on both lj and edwards? if either one hits, the team is much stronger because muhammad is a non-issue. i'd do the deal without banking on needing another QB.

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Here's how the dust settled for the Bavarians ... Schaub got waived by an auto-drafted owner for Eli Manning, so I waived Hass for Schaub. Then I traded Carson Palmer and Matt Ryan for Kurt Warner and Braylon Edwards. (new and gone):


QB: Warner, Schaub, Palmer, Ryan, Hass, Favre ...

RB: MJD, SJax, RBrown, Moreno ...

WR: AJohn, Welker, Berrian, BEdwards, Muhammad, Maclin, Burress ...

TE: Carlson ...

K: Kaeding ...

DEF: Philadelphia ...


Thanks for the advice -- it calmed me down and let me maneuver a bit more to ultimately get Warner while still adding Braylon for WR depth. Now, at worst, either Mushin or Maclin becomes my roster churn to get by coverage for TE, K, DEF - and I don't have to make that call until week 4 ...


It remains to be seen what I can convert Favre and Burress into. At worst, neither comes back, and I liquidate them for WW wonders for injury flll, bye coverage, or depth. At best, both come back and I either have great depth or the pieces to convert into starting roster upgrades ...


Like it. :wacko:

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