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screwed somethun up

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New screw up

while i was copy/paste some player values in a league i accidently hit somethun that made the letters larger which is nice but now i gotta slide the screen brack & forth and that pisses me off...it's not like i clicked the size arrow either it just blinked and was bigger ya perverts :wacko:

Edited by nuke'em ttg
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  • 5 weeks later...
Does your mouse have a scroll wheel?


If you hold the Ctrl key and roll the scroll wheel up and down it changes the font size. Sometimes I do it by mistake. Simple fix to just do it in the opposite direction.


I came in here to get a chuckle seeing what Nuke managed to screw up again, then I read this and learned something. Yer wicked smaht. :wacko:

Edited by Hugh 0ne
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