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Brown or McCoy


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Im in a dreamy $200 12 team league where both players are still Free agents. And I also got manningham last night!!! lol


I only have room for one of them, and trying to figure out which one will have the better season going forward.

I rate both of them almost equal in ability, and both play on great offenses.


The McCoy situation is Westbrooks health.

The Brown concern is Addii in front.


I am trying to figure out which on of these 2 will get the most playing time.

Since i have both players rated equal, basically what I am asking is which one of these 2 players will get the most playing time the rest of the season.


I would rather have a player that simply beats out an incumbant player (BROWN) then deal with always having to check the health status of Westbrook.


I really feel like BROWN is on the verge of winning the rb battle in INDY, but at the same time Westbrook is on the verge of going down.


What do you guys thinK?


As you guys know, these are the kind of decisions that make the difference in winning and losing the league.

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i would go with Brown. I think he is going to take the #1 job from Addai eventually.


The knock on Mccoy is his tendency to fumble which hasn't been fixed yet. If he keeps coughing up the ball no way Reid will give him the carries. That being said I think B. West might be on his last leg just doesn't seem as quick and obviously his off season surgery is still an issue

If you got room and can pull it get them both but if you can only get one I'd go with Brown

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