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Westbrook for Moss


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Westbrook for Randy Moss?


This trade came up today. Both teams agreed to trade, but as League Manager I am thinking I should put this to a League vote.


Both teams are 1-3 at this point. Each team definately has needs at these positions. But is this trade fair and equitable or could there be something sinister in play here as the team owners are related to each other. (Father - Son)


What would you do? Allow the trade or Veto?



Edited by ruthlessb
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you should resign as LM.


I'm not trying to be a dick, but maybe there's someone else in the league that would be more comfortable doing the job?


I understand your point, but no, there is no-one else. I'm just trying to do the best job as LM that I can. Just looking for a few helpful opinions from others.

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If you veto the trade, what happens if Westbrook starts lighting up big time?!?! The guy who has Moss now but would be getting Westbrook would have every right to lynch you!


In a league where I'm the commissioner, earlier this year a Jets fan traded Braylon Edwards & Fred Jackson to get Jericho Cotchery. There was a protest or 2, thinking that the guy getting Braylon & Jackson was ripping the other guy off. I didn't even raise an eyebrow towards even thinking of vetoing. Now into the season, it seems like Cotchery is the better WR, and Jackson isn't worth much.

Edited by jordanzs
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There is never a reason to veto a trade or put it up to a league vote unless you suspect collusion involved.


A stupid trade is not grounds to veto


I am not saying this is a stupid trade I am just saying if a stupid trade is made you can't veto it.


In 1 of my leagues a guy traded D-Williams and got back Fred Jackson, Sims-Walker and Burleson

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In all leagues that I'm commish father and son can not make trades just causes problems you have lots of other teams to trade with.Its a no win situation If one would win you will here about it all year long.This trade is fair but next year make a new rule so everyone knows.

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I think it asinine to even question such a trade. Westy's been injured a chunk of time but returning while Moss hasn't really performed as well as expected. This trade might only be a filler for both teams were they both have decent benches to compensate for the trade, but are weak in the other positions.

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