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This is a really dumb idea


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I agree, but it makes more sense than what we did with the banks.


Banks were struggling because nobody could pay for their loans.


So what do we do? Give the money directly to the banks. So, now the banks are cool, but the people who were defaulting on their loans were still screwed.


So, now, we're going in and bailing those people out? Had we just done that to begin with. Said, we're going to pay the bank on your behalf. The banks and the people would be cool and we'd have had to spend the money once.


Obviously it's a bit more complicated than that, but this seems like a stupid idea that comes right on the heels of another, even more stupid, idea.

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So, now, we're going in and bailing those people out? Had we just done that to begin with. Said, we're going to pay the bank on your behalf. The banks and the people would be cool and we'd have had to spend the money once.


Obviously it's a bit more complicated than that, but this seems like a stupid idea that comes right on the heels of another, even more stupid, idea.


Did you read the part of the story where it discusses the number of people who will be helped by this program?

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Did you read the part of the story where it discusses the number of people who will be helped by this program?


Yep, it's like the lottery. I'll stop there.

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This is absolutely disgusting!!!


I got physically sick when I read the part about this plan not going far enough.


Years back I was proud of myslef for making the right decisions and living within my means but it looks like I am the idiot for doing that.

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"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results."


- Albert Einstein


It is exactly this kind of thinking that precipitated the crash in the economy in the first place. Dammit, it would be nice to have people in Washington with IQs above room temperature.

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I did. It is certifiably nuts and guaranteed to enrage those who have kept their payments up, which is the vast majority of us.


We ran into some trouble a few years ago & I had to dip into my 401K just to catch back up.

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