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No Tour de France thread?


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Evans takes the virtual lead over a seemingly poorly-performing Schleck.

Yeah, wow.


Let's just remember there's a big difference between "virtual" yellow and "ACTUAL" yellow.

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I'll admit I've not been paying that much attention this year, but Sanchez beating Cancellara in an individual TT stage seems a bit of a surprise. Evans looking good still, < 15km to go with a ~30 second lead over Andy, and only ~7 seconds down on Martin for the stage win.

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I'll admit I've not been paying that much attention this year, but Sanchez beating Cancellara in an individual TT stage seems a bit of a surprise. Evans looking good still, < 15km to go with a ~30 second lead over Andy, and only ~7 seconds down on Martin for the stage win.



Sanchez is no slouch. It always seems that, in general, the later riders have a bit of an advantage in that they have times to shoot for.

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Evans always had the rep as a wheelsucker


to me that's unfair. it's just not his physiology or riding style to make the instant accelerations. that means marking attacks when they come, and gaining time on the mountain attackers in the TT. he did that brilliantly in this tour. and he had to work much harder than most tour champions, pulling back hugh gaps single-handedly in most instances, without the help of a particularly strong team. he was the strongest rider, the Patron of the peloton this year, and the most deserving champ in some time. he threw that chit DOWN on the TT today. awesome, hats off to him.

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Great tour. I am alone on a sucky job in an empty chateau in the middle of nowhere in france with only the radio as company. A real The Shining kind of place. The tour has been good company. Congrats to cadel who though never in the breakaways had to constantly be the prime mover to reign his opposition in. Obviously was rooting for voekler who has been a great story in france and a class act here in his interviews (very self effacing, funny, and announced very early that there was 0 chance that he was winning it all). Once it was clear that he the yellow was lost, he released Rolland from his obligations as a teammate, losing any chance at finishing on the podium, but giving Rolland the chance to win the stage. Voekler should regret some of the poor decisions he made in the last week which cost him the podium, though the yellow was never an option.

I do believe that he was clean, but do see Az s point.

Is Andy schleck the new Poulidor?

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Is Andy schleck the new Poulidor?


Looking at their palmares, the ONLY thing you can really say is missing from Poulidor's resume is the Tour - Poulidor won Milan-San Remo, the Dauphine twice, the Criterium Internationale twice, the Vuelta, and the Fleche Wallone. Schleck has won Liege-Bastogne Liege.


Now, granted, Schleck has only 7 yrs under his belt, while Poulidor's career spanned 18 seasons. But after 7 years, Poulidor had 8 wins I'd term "significant" (one of which was a Grand Tour); Schleck has 1.


Is Schleck the next Poulidor? Hell, he's got a ways to go to be THAT good. And he's worn yellow a few times, Poulidor never did.

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13th :tup::wacko:

He just might have had a bit more motivation yesterday than in years past?


Again, maybe he's dirty. Then again, I do find it a bit odd that you single out cycling as the one "exciting and sickening all at once" deal. Do you really think that all the allegations of rampant HGH use in the NFL are BS? Or is it that you'd prefer to pretend that a sport you care more about is clean?

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He just might have had a bit more motivation yesterday than in years past?


sure, you go ahead and believe that. and I'll go with what history has demonstrated every single time one of these guys has suddenly, out of the blue, elevated their game several levels in one year.

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sure, you go ahead and believe that. and I'll go with what history has demonstrated every single time one of these guys has suddenly, out of the blue, elevated their game several levels in one year.

Like I said before, I'm not saying there's no way he doped. I've just decided, overall, to not hold cycling to any standard higher than I do of any other sport I watch. So, just like I'm going to not assume that every freakishly strong guy in the NFL is doping to get that way, I'm going to give Voeckler the benefit of the doubt as well. Again, that this is a football message board and the fact that so many here come across "disgusted and outraged" by the drug use in cycling is more than a little funny.


Do any of you actually think the NFL is any cleaner or, more importantly, any more committed to keep itself clean?

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