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Coaching 5&6 year old flag football

Atlanta Cracker

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I think that if done tactfully it would be effective. However, I admit I don't have kids and I don't have dealings with kids that young so you probably know better than I. I was reflecting on my days in basic training.


Trick play, Coach called a QB Keeper Right. I was at QB, didn't know my lefts and rights to well, ball was hiked(shotgun). Entire offensive line goes right, entire defense goes right, confused QB goes left.....touchdown

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2nd practice today. Apparently 95 degree oppressive noon heat helps with the paying attention problem. In fact it was all I could do to get them to move very much at all. Successfully broke the huddle and ran a couple of plays surprisingly well at the end of practice. Felt like a total success and was lots of fun.


Thanks for all the suggestions!

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you need to be really judicious when you choose between making one guy run versus all guys. If it is a "popular" kid and a good athlete screwing up, then sure. If it is one of the quieter, introverted kids I would not want to make him into a pariah. Just make him run.

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Any tips on defense? Practicing flag pulling each practice. Working on full defensive alignment tomorrow.


2 Deep Zone?


Just have two of the kids line up somewhat deep a bit off-center on each side of the field so they can be in a position to clean up any missed flags. Mainly though I think it's just the technique of actually pulling a flag itself that will be most beneficial.

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Tonight was better. Emailed the parents ahead of time to have them pass along two new rules for practice: No pulling flags when you aren't supposed to and no tackling. I reiterated it and it seemed to work until the last 10 mins. I'll take it!


First game is Saturday. I think in the 4 practices thus far we have successfully huddled, called a play, and ran it within the 30 second time maybe twice. Hope they are a bit lenient on that rule for the first game!

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First game today. Actually went pretty well. Honestly have no idea what the score was since they don't post it and there were several called back for flag guarding or jumping or something stupid. I think maybe it was a 24 - 18 loss or an 18 - 18 tie. I don't feel too bad since the other coach had been a coach last year as well.


The biggest problem was having everyone know where they were supposed to be and getting there in time before the play started. The actual play running on offense and defense was pretty good on both sides.



Have to figure out balancing playing everyone everywhere and being able to actually lineup and run a play.


It also seemed the other team had some strategy of their players picking out one person on our team that they went to and blocked every play regardless where they were lined up. Almost led to a fight even :wacko:


Most importantly it was fun!

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Great to hear! I found coaching that level very rewarding.


Not sure how you shuffle players in and out - and it is usually a league rule about everyone gets to play - we had two offenses for example. Red team and blue team. Some players were on both offenses but most were on one or the other. Easy for kids to know what to do when they hear "red team ready on the sidelines for the next play".


In my peewee football, we had to literally record every minute every player played to make sure they all did.


And yes, you pick out the one or two studs the other team always have. Either make them the FB responsibility or a TE on that side. On defense, the MLB and safety should be assigned players to shadow or watch if they have a really good one.


Lotta fun - I really miss it. Like playing Madden football only with kids that are less controllable :wacko:

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Great to hear! I found coaching that level very rewarding.


Not sure how you shuffle players in and out - and it is usually a league rule about everyone gets to play - we had two offenses for example. Red team and blue team. Some players were on both offenses but most were on one or the other. Easy for kids to know what to do when they hear "red team ready on the sidelines for the next play".


In my peewee football, we had to literally record every minute every player played to make sure they all did.


And yes, you pick out the one or two studs the other team always have. Either make them the FB responsibility or a TE on that side. On defense, the MLB and safety should be assigned players to shadow or watch if they have a really good one.


Lotta fun - I really miss it. Like playing Madden football only with kids that are less controllable :wacko:


We play 9 at a time. Anyone on the sidelines has to sub in on change of possession. We only have 2 subs so the biggest problem was more people wanting to sit out than we had subs to come in for them :tup:


I was watching the clock run down at the end of the 3rd quarter... Turns out it was the end of the game!

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