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good interview on religion


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A book has never stopped people from killing in the name of their god.


oh I'm sure several books have stopped or prevented people from killing in the name of "God". no book has stopped EVERY person from killing in the name of their god. that is kind of a tall order, though. no book has ever stopped every person from killing in the nake of their country, their ideology, their social class, their race, etc. I think it's safe to say no book ever will.


all of which I guess is a long way of saying, "I don't see your point".

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oh I'm sure several books have stopped or prevented people from killing in the name of "God". no book has stopped EVERY person from killing in the name of their god. that is kind of a tall order, though. no book has ever stopped every person from killing in the nake of their country, their ideology, their social class, their race, etc. I think it's safe to say no book ever will.


all of which I guess is a long way of saying, "I don't see your point".


Back when I was 13 I may have killed for a copy of Hustler.

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Nice interview, and I agree wholeheartedly. It would be nice if we had more religious leaders of all stripes espousing these beliefs to all the impressionable youth.


I do not see impressionable youths reading books about religious tolerance. :wacko:

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I don't mean in books. More pointedly I meant in the pews of churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. How much tolerance is taught there?


I haven't been in a church since I got married. However, the Roman Catholics were not known for their tolerance. Maybe times have changed and I missed it. :wacko:

I have colleagues and friends from all over the world and with different religions than my own or my wife's. I hope I have taught my children tolerance by my actions and words.

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thought it was enlightening, and mirrored a lot of what I already thought, so I wanted to share.



Some interesting mental gymnastics going on as he tries to reconcile his universalism with his belief of Jesus as the lone path to salvation.

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