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Anyone had this happen to their dog?


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I have a 10 year old Blue Heeler. My sons and I went out tonight and when we got home I let her outside. About a half hour later she was barking like crazy outside and couldnt get up the steps. Her leg was just paralyzed and limp. She wasnt in any pain, she went straight to her food bowl unable to stand on her back left leg. She's been inside for about a half an hour and she's able to stand on it now but you can tell it's still really weak. Anyone had this happen before?

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My 13 year old mutt has recently started to fall down, her legs gave in and splay out. Vet told me it's basically old age. Old folks fall and break their hips because they simply get old, and their muscles sometimes just don't respond. Very similar circumstances. She went down, was not in any obvious discomfort, she just had her legs go out on her. She didn't even seem disturbed or upset.... she just went down and sat here for almost 5 minutes. Then she got up, and seemed fine. Her legs just sometimes give out. Old age.


I do notice other things, she can't run the way she used to, she takes staris much more slowly now, but not in pain or discomfort.


What is the expected life span on this breed you have? I am not familiar with that breed. Mutts generally live longer than AKC breeds... 10 years may be getting near the ceiling of the your dog's expected life span. Clearly, it does not sound like the dog is in emminent danger, but old age is a gradual onset. Getting old sucks.... justask anyone around here, I'm like 123 years old, and I'm not as sharp as I used to be. :wacko: I can still run, just not as fast as 100 years ago.

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My 13 year old mutt has recently started to fall down, her legs gave in and splay out. Vet told me it's basically old age. Old folks fall and break their hips because they simply get old, and their muscles sometimes just don't respond. Very similar circumstances. She went down, was not in any obvious discomfort, she just had her legs go out on her. She didn't even seem disturbed or upset.... she just went down and sat here for almost 5 minutes. Then she got up, and seemed fine. Her legs just sometimes give out. Old age.


I do notice other things, she can't run the way she used to, she takes staris much more slowly now, but not in pain or discomfort.


What is the expected life span on this breed you have? I am not familiar with that breed. Mutts generally live longer than AKC breeds... 10 years may be getting near the ceiling of the your dog's expected life span. Clearly, it does not sound like the dog is in emminent danger, but old age is a gradual onset. Getting old sucks.... justask anyone around here, I'm like 123 years old, and I'm not as sharp as I used to be. :wacko: I can still run, just not as fast as 100 years ago.


Ive read that Blue Heelers are supposed to live 12-15 years. And she did get a pretty good workout playing with my boys this morning. She's in pretty good shape though. She can still go balls to the wall when she sees a herd of cattle. Just kinda freaked me out, never happened to her before.

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I moved her in about a year ago when she started to get older. We live on a farm so she gets thoroughly checked for ticks about every other day. And she hasnt had one in a couple of months.

Might want to get her checked out then. She could have a hip problem. Hope she turns out ok.

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Happens to my dog sometimes... I stopped worrying about it a while back. I think it's like a cramp or a charlie horse or something. I hope it's nothing more serious. It only happens a couple times a year though and she bounces back the same way and pretty quick every time.

If this has been going on for years, it probably isn't anything more serious, but I would have gotten her checked out the first or maybe second time it happened. Why risk it?


Anyway legs (usually the back ones) giving out is a classic sign of old age in a dog and perhaps a sign they are nearing the end. FYI they do make these kind of "chariot wheels" you can buy and hook up that allow such a dog to still get around if otherwise healthy.

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